Thursday, September 29, 2011


Greetings from the Springs

Things are going pretty good here. This week was pretty decent. On Tuesday we were on exchanges with our district leader. That was pretty fun and a good change of pace. Elder McG* found a new investigator that day. Her name is F*. I haven't met her yet but we'll be going over there tomorrow cuz she has work off. Wednesday was a pretty average day. We went tracting and this lady started bashing with us. She was kinda crazy. It was pretty funny. She kept saying stuff that totally contradicted the bible and she was saying how the angel Moroni is from the devil because of what it says in Galatians 1:4 i think. The part where it says that if any man or angel proclaim another gospel let him be accursed. But then we told her it was the same gospel but she wouldn't believe us. Then we told her that the gospel was faith, repentance, baptism.. then she stopped us and said that baptism isn't the gospel and you don't need it you just have to say you believe. And apparently Jesus' baptism was a different baptism. Lots of crazy opinions.

Friday was a cool day. We went to district meeting and then we got brand new phones! The mission switched from Verizon over to sprint. We all have the LG Remarq I think it is. Its square and has a sliding full keyboard. Kinda looks like a blackberry. Anyways they re pretty sweet and we now have 300 minutes and unlimited texting. I have a feeling that will get taken away pretty quickly though.

On Sunday all the missionaries in the zone sang at the north stake conference. We sang a song called faith in every footstep. It was printed in an ensign in like 1997 or something. Anyways we did that then went right to our church. We didn't have any investigators show up. It seems like we find all these investigators and then we lose contact with them and they never keep commitments. Its really annoying. Anyways Pday will be on Tuesday next week and that's when we find out transfers. President Pfile goes home in two weeks and President Anderson will be here. It ll be interesting to see what changes he makes.

I think dads idea for the opening of youth conference is awesome. Sounds like it ll be pretty funny. That's crazy that everyone is moving all over the place. I got a letter from Amy and Kristen a couple days ago and one from Spencer and his family. They sent me those talking cards. One of them wasn't working so i cracked it open and fixed it so its all good now. Any luck on finding my watch warranty? I went to JC Penny and they told me what i needed off the receipt or something so that i can get it repaired. I'm pretty sure that the receipt is with the other stuff in the little relic can it came in.

A recent convert's husband is home for R&R for the next two weeks and she said that he had a couple Camelbaks that she'd give one to me so I'm good on that. My bike is all good. I got a new cable for it and put it on so its fine now. And that's pretty much it. Good luck with Youth Conference and I hope Everything goes well.

Love Elder Butler


So me and Elder McG* will be staying together in the 6th ward for another 7 weeks. I kinda have mixed feelings about it but there's not much I can do. I would like a little change just to make things different but there's some reason why I'm here just have to figure out what it is. The new mission president gets here next week so it ll be really cool and exciting to meet him. I don't know if hes gunna have a little zone conference or something to meet all the elders or what but I expect we'll find out soon.

That's sweet to hear that youth conference went so well. So what exactly did you do? What were the different workshops and stuff? I send a package home yesterday with a bunch of letters and stuff that Ive gotten. I addressed it to myself cuz its my stuff so don't open it and just put it with my other boxes.

So far the texting hasn't been taken away. I think the only reason they would take it away would be for if elders text people from back home or just are texting way too much. I don't think it ll be a problem at least for me.

Pretty much we don't really have any investigators. No one answers our calls and they're never home when we go by to see them. So pretty much we have to start from scratch. Ive been really tired a lot lately. I usually have to take a nap during lunch and even then I'm still super tired. And at night sometimes i don't sleep very good. I don't know its weird.

Spencer emailed me and told me that he got his call to Utah, Provo Spanish speaking mission. That's super awesome for him cuz the Provo mission is the highest baptizing in the US. I don't know about Spanish but it prolly is. that's way exciting. And the Provo mission is pretty big too. Its not just Provo but pretty much everything south of there too.

For some reason I'm drawing a blank. There was something i was gunna say but I cant remember. On the way to the library today Elder McG* got hit by a car. He was going through an intersection and this car was gunna turn right onto the street but decided to stop like 6 feet past the stop sign and caught the back end of his bike. he didn't fall off or anything. It was kinda funny but ridiculous at the same time.

Anyways that's all i can think of for now. I hope everything keeps on going good for you guys. I love you all!

Elder Butler


Alrighty, so this week was alright. Wednesday morning I woke up with a little bit of a cough so I took a shower and rested for a little bit and I was fine after that. This week has been real hot out. A member in the ward have me a water backpack so that really helped out a lot. But the little back pack that it comes in is too small to fit anything else in it. So I cant carry any book of Mormons or my scriptures or anything like that. So I've been trying to find a way to put the water bladder in my back pack that wont make it hard to use the straw thing.
So something really cool happened yesterday. We were talking with our ward mission leader and he said that there's someone in the ward that we can baptize. This family moved into the ward like a month or two ago. We started teaching the kids cuz they had just been baptized in January. The grandma lives with them and we assumed that everybody in the family was members. They came from Utah and the parents are members (I think they are just recently coming back to activity though) and all the kids who are baptismal age are already baptized so we assumed the grandma was too. But she was talking to bishop and she thought she was a member but when they requested her records nothing came up. So She actually isn't a member . She is getting surgery on the 11th so we'll teach her all the lessons in the next two weeks and she'll get baptized on the 9th. Its pretty sweet cuz we haven't had a baptism here yet. Everyone in the ward always tells us about how they had like 12 baptisms last year. But there is only one person that is still there. Everyone else has gone inactive or moved away.
So this morning we wake up and we hear this weird chirping and rustling outside the window. We look out there and there was a little baby bird stuck in the window well. It couldn't fly yet so it was trying to get out but it couldn't. The member we are living with gave us some gloves so I climbed down there and eventually got the bird out of there. It kept flapping around so I couldn't get it for a little while. I didn't want to just grab it cuz I didn't want to crush it or something. But its out now. It was weird cuz at first I thought it was a squirrel. Cuz on Saturday we were tracting and we heard this really weird noise. We thought it was a bird but it was two squirrels like yelling at each other. It was kinda like the sound Brian Regan makes for the rabbit impression.
Anyways have you guys had any luck finding my watch stuff? It should be that hard to find. I'm pretty sure I gave it to dad with the stuff for my razor. If not it should be in the smaller box that I left before I left.
Well that's pretty much it for now. Hope you all are doing well.
Love Elder Butler


Alrighty so this week was pretty sweet. We started teaching Sister D*. She passed her baptismal interview and will be getting baptized on Saturday and then confirmed on Sunday. It will be my second baptism thus far. Well third if you count Jammie's wife who got baptized like 2 weeks after i left Antonito. Anyways its really exciting. We have interviews on Friday with President Anderson. Ill finally get to meet him.

The fourth of July was pretty fun. We went around and visited different families and did some service for a few of them. It was a lot of fun cuz we were on exchanges so we were with our district leader and his companion.

Hopefully we'll find another new investigator soon so that after Sister D* is baptized that we will still have someone to teach. Its weird to think that at the end of this transfer I'll be basically halfway done with my mission.

Sounds like the cabin was fun. Did you guys light any fireworks or go to any fireworks shows? I heard that its been so dry in Pueblo that no one was allowed to do fireworks in the whole city. Apparently its been in the 100's like all last week. Luckily we've got some rain here. The other day we were just leaving dinner and as soon as we got outside and on our bike it started pouring. I think they were the biggest raindrops I have ever seen in my whole life. So after about 15 seconds we were already completely soaked so by the time we got to the house we were dripping wet and had to go change. It was nice though cuz it was the first time since Ive been here where there has been a really good rain. Usually it just sprinkles for a few minutes but this was real nice. Anyways i hope you all are doing well. I miss you!

Love Elder Butler


I want everyone to know that I'm doing just fine. President Anderson is really cool. Hes from Kalamazoo Michigan. He seems to be a good mission president. He hasn't really made any changes yet except were not suppose to use the word "greenie" anymore. Something to do with respecting people or something. But the mission bought every companionship a portable DVD player and a copy of both the preach my gospel DVDs. So we can use those for studies and stuff in our apartments. And don't worry I'm not gunna abuse it. I'm not dumb enough to watch movies on it.
The baptism went really well on Saturday. The only hitch was that our ward mission leader (who was just released not because of this though. he was it for 3 1/2 years) didn't make programs. He thought that we were gunna make them. But we don't have a computer so I don't know how he thought we were gunna do it. But everything else worked out perfect. Then she was confirmed on Sunday and I got to confirm her which was really cool.
But not much else happened this week. We did get to give a lot of blessings this week which is always really cool but not much else. I got the package you guys sent. I liked the pictures in it. Ive been feeling a lot better. I'm not as tired as I have been lately. things have been going really good. Its nice to hear the news about everyone and stuff. Tell Amy to email me because there's people that she knew and taught that are in my area that want to hear from her. I love and miss you all!
Elder Butler


This week was very interesting. Tuesday was a pretty normal day. We went and tried to see some former and potential investigators. No one we tried to see was home except one guy who asked us to come back on Thursday. So that was good cuz he was a referral from Woodland Park. His daughter was recently baptized there. Wednesday we weekly planned and then tracted. Nothing too special. Thursday we went tracting with one of the youth. As we were biking to the area where we were gunna tract elder McG*'s rear derailer snapped in half. So his bike is totally out of commission. So for the past couple days we've been walking or getting rides from people. So its been hard to get things done when you have to walk everywhere. Hes hoping that he can get some money to fix it up in the next few days so that we can get back on the bikes.
So that's been the week thus far. I still take the gummy vitamins but some mornings i just forget on accident. I'm running out of stamps. I think I only have like 3 or 4 left. But other then that i think I'm pretty good. I only got to meet president Anderson that one time. We only see him like once a transfer. so not very often. That was the same way with president Pfile. We only see them at interviews and zone conference.
So what made you guys choose the KIA over the other cars? Does it get pretty good gas mileage? Whats the warranty like on it? It sounds like a pretty cool ride. Good choice on the color too. I live those dark cherry red cars. You guys need to send me some pictures of it.
As far as food and meals and stuff go. We only do breakfast and lunch for ourselves. Our members that we live with don't really cook much and their not home very often. hes the chief of staff for Colorado springs and shes now the relief society president so they stay pretty busy. But we get fed dinner pretty much every night. I think there may be like 1 or 2 nights in a month where we don't get fed but that's nice sometimes.
It sounds like everyone is doing pretty good though. Its weird to think that I'm almost half done. It hasn't felt like Ive been gone for very long. Did the package that i sent home for myself ever come? I sent it like a month or so ago. Ill prolly need to send another one home with shirts in it because I have too many t shirts and I need to get rid of stuff so I don't have so much to lug around with me. We'll be having to move out of our members house the beginning of august because they're gunna be gone pretty much all of that month and then after that their daughter and her husband are moving in with them. As far as I know that haven't found anyone for us to live with yet. So we might just be moving back into the apartments. So we'll see what happens.
That's pretty much it for me. Hope you all are doing well. I miss you!
Love Elder Butler


Arighty then. Where do I start. So this week we did a lot of service. Actually we just spent like a couple hours on Tuesday and Wednesday helping a lady in our ward move out. Her son came to help her and with him we had to put all the big heavy stuff into their truck. It was kinda a last minute thing because her son's wife is very pregnant and was going to have the kid any time. So we had to get it done quick and it was a huge rush. The rest of the week was pretty bland. It rained a few times and there was this really awesome rainbow that we took a picture with our phone. I didn't have my camera with me I wish i did.
Elder Mcg* hasn't gotten his bike fixed yet. he has this other bike that his mom sent him but he doesn't like it. Its a huffy like the kind you buy from target. So hes trying to sell it so he can get parts for his other bike. Most places we can walk to but sometimes he uses the other bike. His dad is a print broker, whatever that is so as far as i know hes not related to the car dealership people.
We haven't gotten to meet the referral guy. Every time we go by hes not home or answers the door. Sometimes you cant tell which. So we found out the people that were moving in with. They have like 15 parrots and the lady is quite blunt. She tells you how it is. Which doesn't put her at the top of the list of most favorable people in the ward. We are moving in next week. Transfers are like the 9th or 10th. So I may only be there for like 9 days. We will see.
As for people that said the send me letters. I haven't gotten any letters from family in quite a while. The last thing I got was the package and a letter from grandma and grandpa. An that was like 3 or 4 weeks ago. I don't have a lot of time to sit down and write letters but when people send me them I usually get one back to them. The easiest way for people to write me a letter and me write them back is to send me an email. I haven't heard from a lot of people in quite some time. Granted sometimes I forget to write back but I don't have all the time in the world. That's why I usually just do a general letter here so that everyone can read it and know whats going on.
Its crazy that every body's getting married. If Erin goes on a mission it looks like either me or Micheal will be the next ones. I think everyone else is already tied down haha. This next transfer is Elder G* last one. He goes home on the 16th of September. Its weird to see all these missionaries that I know go home. Pretty soon I'm not gunna know anybody in the mission.
Anyways I hope you guys are doing good. Hope you all have a lovely last week of July.
Love Elder Butler


Hi there
This week was pretty busy. We spent the weekend doing a lot of service and things like that. We helped out with Three moves on Saturday (including ourselves). That took up mostly the whole day. Friday we had to go to this bike shop so elder McG* could get parts for his bike. Were going over to a members tonight and after that the bikes should be up and running.
Something kinda weird happened. We were tracting this street and we see this papa john's pizza truck out side this house. We start walking up and we see the delivery guy lying down on the ground and money on the ground right next to him. At first I thought that he got mugged or something but I think he just tripped down the stairs. It was weird.

The family reunion sounded pretty fun. Sounds like everyone is pretty busy now. When does Andrea start school? I still haven't gotten any letter from anyone in the family. Neither Kristin or Rachel. The last time I got a letter from either one was at least 2 months ago. they must not be getting to me or something.

I got a letter this past week about my temple jubilee. That's where they take all the missionaries who are halfway through the mission and take them to the temple and stuff. So I get to go on the 11th. I'm pretty excited. Its almost been a year since Ive been so I'm looking forward to going back. We find out transfers next week so Ill let you know how that turns out.

So like I said before we started moving into our new abode. Its actually a lot better then I thought it was gunna be. The bathroom is really nice. The bedroom is kinda small but I think we'll live. They make us breakfast every morning so that's really sweet.

Yeah and that's about it. I fixed the watch myself. I just opened it up and used a que tip and got all the moisture out. The second hand fell off but it works plenty fine without it. So its all good. I would like another tie rack if I could. But that's all I can Think of. I miss everyone and I love you all.

Elder Butler


So I just opened transfers and I'm staying in 6th ward for another 6 weeks. My new companion will be elder W*. I guess he's from Canada somewhere and he was trained in Antonito just like me. He was trained by Elder Jensen who lives in Long Grove. His mom is that Margo Butler that sister Geigle was telling us about. Anyways I don't really know much about him but he is a pretty new missionary and I guess he is kinda prideful so it should be an interesting transfer.
Elder McG* is going to Alamosa 3rd and is serving with Elder G*. Hes not too happy about going down to the valley. Its weird cuz Elder G* goes home at the end of this transfer and Elder McG* goes home at the end of next transfer. So I guess we'll see how things turn out. The cool thing though is that Elder H* is in my district and elder S* is coming into the district and they both came out with me. So that will be a lot of fun.
Anyways I did get postcards from A* and Kr* but I don't have Kr*'s address. So if I could get that Ill write her back or you can just have her email me cuz that would just be a lot easier.
That's sweet that you got to go to Nauvoo. I miss that place. I haven't been there in a long time. I am super excited though to go to the temple on Thursday. We'll be at the temple from like 1 til 5 or so. Then the rest of the time is talking with President Anderson and having group studies. I'm excited though cuz Ill get a chance to really get to know President Anderson. Normally we would be going to the temple around the 7th of September but the Denver Temple closes for like 2 months. Saturday is the last day its open til the beginning of October. They re replacing the heating and air conditioning. And also they're taking out the cafeteria and putting in a waiting room for marriages.
But that's pretty much it. This last week wasn't too eventful. I had a little cold and my ankle was bothering me but those have now passed and I'm doing just fine. Hope you guys are doing good as well. I miss you all!
Love Elder Butler


Howdy y'all!
Its good to hear from everybody. This week has been a really good one. Tuesday we were at the transfer meeting for a while and I got my new companion Elder W*. He's from British Columbia, Canada. He lives on Victoria Island. So its right there by Seattle. Hes had an interesting mission. For some reason they couldn't get his visa on time so he spent a few months in Canada. Then finally they got the visa and he went to the MTC and then has been here in Colorado for one transfer. So he's been out for about 5 months now.
Tuesday after transfer meeting We dropped off his stuff and had to bike quite a ways up to this lady's house that we were supposed to do service for but when we got there they cancelled the service cuz the young men were supposed to help out but not enough of them could come. So we went back to the house and he started to unpack a little bit. The around 3.30 we went to visit this lady who just moved into the ward just a few days ago. So we biked over there and we met her and her fiance. Their names are K* and R*. She was recently baptized like a year ago or so and her fiance isn't a member. She invited him to church so we talked to him briefly about it but then we had to leave. Just as we left Elder W* threw up all over the parking lot. So I called for a ride to pick us up. We went back to the house and he unpacked a little more and then we went to dinner. After dinner we went and met bishop and some other members of the ward.
On Wednesday we had weekly planning and then did some tracting. Nothing really noteworthy. Oh but that night we found out that they are changing the way that we record our stats. We no longer need to keep track of how long we tract for or how many people we talk to. All the stats are how many people we have baptized, how many have a baptismal date, and how many lessons we teach. And that's pretty much it. They didn't really care about how we find people anymore. They just want to know the results. So it should be really interesting. It gives us a lot more freedom to be creative in finding new investigators. So if you guys have any ideas thatd be sweet and we'll try them out.
Thursday was one of the best days. We met at the mission office at about 11. I got to see all the missionaries that I came out with. We packed up the vans with our overnight bags and stuff and then drove up to the temple. It was a ton of fun. I got to do sealings and then we did an endowment session all together. Then we drove back and had dinner. Then we all sat down together with President Anderson and got to talk about the temple for a few hours. It was a lot of fun. Then the next morning we had breakfast and talked some more about the temple and then we all went back to our areas. After I got back we went to district meeting which was good.
Saturday was packed. In the morning we went and tried to see a bunch of less actives and then in the afternoon we had this lesson with this guy named W*. It was going pretty good until his dad kinda butted into the lesson. he started asking all these questions and got us off topic and basically ruined the lesson. So that was kinda a bummer. Then after dinner we were gunna bike somewhere else but i went to put on my helmet (which is already pretty hammered) and the buckle was missing. So I couldn't ride my bike cuz I couldn't put my helmet on so we had to walk them.
Sunday was pretty good. The best part though was after dinner we went to have a lesson with Rob and explain church a little bit more. So we went over and started teaching him and we then taught a first lesson and asked him to be baptized. He accepted to be baptized on Sep 4. Were super stoked about it. The only huge concern is that they re living together and they have their wedding date planned for not this Halloween but next Halloween. So not until over a year from now. So that's something that were gunna be having to work out and see if we can either get them married within the next three weeks or have them separate until they are married.
So that's pretty much all that's going on with me. Its been a really good week and I'm looking forward to this transfer. I have been in 6th ward for like 7 months now but i still like it for the most part. Sometimes I kinda get sick of it but I have no idea when ill get transferred. So I might as well make it fun while I'm here. Cuz for all I know I could get transferred out to like Kansas or something.
Anyways I miss you all and I hope that your all doing well.
Love Elder Butler


Wow that's some crazy stuff that's going on over there. Where did Hersey get the money to pay for a turf field? interesting.. anyways this week was all over the place. On Monday we were playing basketball and i got tripped up and rolled my ankle. I felt it pop but I walked it off. IT felt fine the rest of the day but towards the night it started to stiffen up little. On Tuesday I was on exchanges with Elder Sc*s companion that he is training. We went out to work in the morning but he got a flat tire so we had to come back home and fix it. The it was lunch time and my ankle was starting to hurt more so we didn't get much work done that day. Wednesday was the Train the Trainers meeting so we got the new training program and they taught us all about the program and how it should be done an stuff like that. That took up most of the day and then after that we had to move a weeks worth of stuff to another members house because the people we normally live with went out of town for a week and their daughter was staying there taking care of all their birds. So Wednesday night I went on exchanges with Elder Sc* in his area. By this time my foot didn't hurt any more. Exchanges on Thursday were good. We got to teach some of their investigators and stuff so it was fun to be with him. Friday was kinda a bummer. We had district meeting which was good. Then the rest of the day was kinda all over the place crazy. We were supposed to have a lesson with R* but when we got there he was already asleep so we just had a lesson with his fiance who is a member. We talked about church and taking the sacrament. She seemed pretty solid to come to church on Sunday. Saturday we went out tracting in the morning and all these people tried to bash with us saying how the book of Mormon had been rewritten multiple times and all this crap. Then after we were done trating my back tire went flat so now i have to go and get a new tube for my bike. So the rest of the day we were on foot so that limited the amount of other stuff that we could do that day. Sunday no one came to church and afterword we had dinner with bishop and then had a new member lesson with sister Da*. Yesterday we worked because of the holiday. We actually had a pretty good day. We found two new investigators and had some good lessons. And that was pretty much it. Kinda crazy.

Ive actually been thinking about college apps. I have a few school in mind that i would like to apply to. They are BYU provo and Idaho, Utah state and UVU. I still haven't really decided if I want to go right out to school when I get home or stay home for a semester and start in January.

We do have a few couple missionaries in the mission. All the ones now are from springs. I think we have three sets of couples that work in the mission office. One couple is also in the mission presidency. But they are way cool and we get to see them every so often.

The weather has finally begun to cool down. It still get really toasty in the afternoons sometimes but its a little more bearable.

I hope you all are doing well. I miss everyone!

Love Elder Butler


Hey things are going good over here. I watched the video but with no sound. Both josh and max look way older and a little different. I cant believe that its already the last week of the transfer. On Sunday is when Ill find out for sure what is happening next transfer. Both me and Elder W* are supposed to be training and I've been in 6th ward for almost 9 months so ill prolly be getting transferred. I have no idea where to though. It will definitely be tough but I'm pretty excited. We've been able to find a lot of different people but then they fall off the map. We try calling them and txting them and stopping by their house but its so hard to get ahold of people. Its kinda frustrating at times. We started teaching this black lady that lives next door to our ward mission leader. She goes to the baptist church and she still wants to go there but she said that she was gunna read and pray so hopefully she actually does that. I got the tie racks. Sister Sp* who works in the office dropped it off for me. That's one bonus of living pretty close to the mission office and the people who work there. It sounds like things are pretty crazy busy back home. How is Spencer doing? When does he leave for Utah? On Saturday we got to help out with our wards service project. We (the ward) went to like 10 different houses and did yard cleanup. We (myself and elder W*) mostly trimmed bushes at this one house. The had a ton of the weed trees and stuff in their backyard and it had taken over like the whole fence. So we went with clippers and hacked them down. It actually looked pretty nice by the time we were done. Now that I've been out for over a year time seems to be going by even faster. next transfer will be 10 out of 17 and ill have been out for 13 months. Have you found out any info about college apps yet? I need to find out whether i should try and transfer my credits from Harper or just apply as a new student. But I guess before that I really need to decide whether I want to go right out to school or stay home for a little bit. Oh by the way the camera I have no is starting to fall apart. It will last a little while longer but I was thinking that either Jeff could look at amazon and see if they have any good deals cuz he could get a discount maybe or wait til black Friday and get one then. Just ideas. Anyways that's all I got for now. I miss you all!
Love Elder Butler


Are you ready for the big news?? So I am training a new missionary. And on top of that im getting transferred. Im now in the 8th Ward which is in the Foun. Stk. Its south of where I am now a little ways. But the good news is that I get a car!! I wont have to bike anymore for a while which I'm glad about.

This week was outta control. So on Tuesday we went out and had a really good day. We were able to contact a bunch of people that we planned to go and see. it was a pretty good day. Wednesday was psycho. We had weekly planning in the morning and then in the afternoon we planned to go out and work. We went out at it was raining pretty good. We had a lesson with this less active guy who we had been trying to contact for a long while. So we finally got in with him and were talking for a while. He said that he wants to come back to church and have home teachers and stuff. that was really awesome. I think that was the first less active person that actually wanted to come back. So it felt really good. Elder W* and his new missionary are gunna go there and teach him the lesson to help him come back and to practice. After we got out of that lesson it was pouring hardcore. We were wearing sweaters and we got soaked through those. Water was like flooding down the street. It was freezing cold. So we went back to the house and put our clothes in the wash cuz they were covered in mud from the bikes. We spent the rest of the night inside cuz it never stopped. I think it rained from like 1 in the afternoon til sometime the next day. It was super crazy.

Thursday We woke up and there was a thick fog. You could prolly only see maybe like 20 feet. And on top of that it was cold and misting. So we tried to go out and see a few people. We got calls a few days before that there were these surveys that the church wanted us to do about preach my gospel and the commercials. So that took a little while and stuff. The rest of the week was just soggy cuz it had rained so hard for so long. Sunday We got the calls about transfers. And then we had pday today instead of Monday cuz they moved transfers a day back. So I get my new missionary tomorrow morning.

So some crazy and exciting stuff. I have a package of extra clothes and books that I want to send home. So depending on when I actually get over to the post office Ill send that off. And that's pretty much everything. I'm sorry to hear about your job mom. =[ I miss you all very much!

Love Elder Butler


Dear home

This week was pretty crazy. My new companions name is Elder H*. Hes from Murray Utah. Its super nice to have a car. Hopefully I get to keep it. they might take it cuz the area is pretty small and the missionary who was here before couldn't ride a bike cuz something with his knee. But anyways my area is in Security, Co which is directly south of springs. Its still basically springs. I'm right east of fort Carson. Its a pretty cool area. Its pretty ghetto though. We have a couple people that the missionaries were working with before we got to the area. One is M* and his brother just got baptized like a month ago. Hes been taught everything and has been to church a bunch of times he just doesn't think hes ready for baptism yet. I don't know why but I have a feeling that he will get baptized soon. Then there is an eternal investigator that is in the same boat. He is like 82 and his whole family are members he just wont get dunked. We picked up another guy named K* who has been taught everything but wont go to church because he has Word of wisdom problems and Law o Chastity problems. So he wants to be fully commited before he comes to church. The members are pretty nice and cool.

Tell grandma that i got her letter and I'm in the process of writing back. its kinda nice to be in an apartment again. Theres a lot more room and we can do our own thing. The only bummer is that I have to buy food now. I'm super excited for conference. Its weird that after this I only have one more left before i go home. My district leader goes home at the end of this transfer. I hope me and elder H* get to stay together for three transfers because i don't wanna have a new companion or area right before Christmas. Have you guys heard anything from Spencer yet? Do you have his address? I haven't heard from him yet so I was just curious. Umm so yeah not much else to report on. I'm doing good and having a lot of fun. I miss you all!

Love Elder Butler

PS. anything about college apps yet?

Monday, August 29, 2011


Hey thanks for all the pictures you guys sent. they were really cool. I don't mean this to be mean but I kinda laughed when I read about peep. It sounds like James's wedding was pretty fun. It was cool to see that Michael was in one of the pictures. I'll be sending my memory card prolly soon. I've been meaning to for a while but I keep forgetting. And I've sent pictures more than once in a year mom.
Sorry Mom that I forgot to say happy birthday last week :/ Besides peep escaping how was it? Did you do anything to celebrate it? Do you guys have any plans for labor day this weekend? We might have Pday on Tuesday next week because of that but I don't know for sure.
This week was pretty decent. We taught a whole bunch of lessons and stuff. Most of them were less actives and doorstep stuff. Unfortunately we didn't find any new investigators this week. But this morning a member introduced us to this guy who he wants us to teach so hopefully that turns out well. We still haven't been able to meet with Rob. We've been able to teach Nate but he got real busy like Friday and he said that he didn't know when he would be able to meet with us next. We didn't have anyone to show up for church.
I got an email this morning from the APs and it was titled "train the trainers meeting". so I'm not sure if that is hinting to the fact that ill be training next transfer but apparently elder Wylie counted all the names of the people invited to the meeting and its the same number of new missionaries that are coming in. So who knows what will happen but I'm not really worried about it. I don't wanna get my hopes all up and then have it turn out that it doesn't happen. But if it turns out that this meeting is for all the new trainers that means that I could be transferred cuz elder Wylie is also invited to the meeting. So I guess we'll find out in a few weeks whats going on.
There are a couple of things that I could use. One is another tie rack. I have a whole bunch of ties that can't fit on the ones I have now cuz there is no room. And some Gold Bond powder. that stuff comes in handy sometimes. Other then that I'm pretty good. Hope you guys are doing well. I miss you!
Love Elder Butler

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hey people
I'm doing pretty good. My birthday was alright. Some members took us to Golden Coral for dinner but besides that it was a pretty normal day. The only things I've gotten are the package and a letter from Rachel. So far nothing else has come yet. As for the camel back Mom, we were tracting and we ran into this guy who is in the air force (not all that uncommon) but he said that he had a bunch of extra camel backs and he would give one to me. So don't worry about getting one. If it turns out that it doesn't work ill let you know.
As for Bi*, he got sick over the weekend so he couldn't make it to church. This week hasn't been all that eventful. We helped this guy move in that a set of sisters were teaching so we'll start teaching him soon but that's pretty much it. I wasn't feeling too great yesterday so I went to bed real early and got a lot of sleep and I'm doing a lot better today.
I cant look at the blogs anymore cuz they're blocked. Tahlia sends me their blogs and I can read them but the pictures don't show up. Its been really warm here lately like in the upper 70's. Its been super nice. Its good to hear that people are starting to get ready to go on their missions. I was talking to Elder Guymon the other day and he told me that his girlfriend got her mission call to little rock, Arkansas. I can't remember when she leaves but i think its sometime in July. I kinda laughed when I heard that. As for Spencer's call, I'm going to guess either Guatemala or Florida.
Well I hope everyone continues to do good. I miss all of you!
Love Elder Butler


Hello everybody
I am emailing today because yesterday was Memorial Day so the libraries were closed. So today is p-day which is always fun. This week we found two new investigators but they have both dropped us. One got antied cuz she looked up Mormon on the internet. The other one said he wasn't interested anymore. But the good news is that we met with Bi* and hes looking pretty good. He was in Salida this past weekend so he wasn't at church but he said he'd be there the next few weeks.
I got the package and it was awesome.

The weather here has been pretty good lately. Its been nice enough to wear short sleeves so that's been really nice. We were tracting the other day and we knocked on this one door and this fat guy with gray hair and beard opens the door with a baseball bat. Lets just say he didn't seem too friendly.
We had our last zone conference with president Pfile this week. It was really awesome. We talked a lot about focusing on Christ. We practiced teaching the plan of salvation in about 15 mins. Its not that easy so it'll be a work in progress. We also watched a talk given by Elder Holland at the MTC a few months ago. It was awesome as usual. Anyways cant think of much else to say. Hop you all have a good week.
Love Elder Butler


This week was pretty good. On Tuesday We did a lot of biking. My bike still works I just can't change the front gear but its not all that bad. So we were biking and we were taking this turn and all of a sudden I hear this noise like air shooting out of something. Then after a few seconds it stopped. We get to where we were going and I check my back tire and sure enough there's a big ole cut in it. Apparently I ran over some glass or something. The slime in my tube was able to seal it kinda but not all the way. We went to dinner and after that we walked over to target which wasn't too far away. I bought another tube that has sealant stuff in it. A less active member that we've been working with gave us a ball pump that has a bike tire hose on it so we carry that with us in case we get a flat. So I pumped up by tire and hoped that it would keep enough air in it to get me home. The next day we go out there to put the new tube on and the tire is holding air. I take off the wheel to get a better look at it and start to pump it up with the bike pump. As I'm doing this the sealant pops out of the tube and sprays me in the face. So it was a good thing that I bought the new one.

Wednesday started off really nice out. As the day went on though we saw these nasty clouds coming over the mountains. Then out of nowhere the wind picked up and it got freezing cold. Then it started to rain a little bit. We jumped on our bikes and booked it back to the house so that Elder McGrath could get his coat. It started pouring rain and hailing a little bit. We were getting close to our place and we saw some members that let us come in their house until the rain calmed down a little. So we waited a little bit then went up to our place, grabbed his coat and went to dinner.

Thursday was kinda the same thing. It started off nice and then got cold and rained and hailed. It seems to hail a lot around here. I think Ive seen just as much hail here the 5 months I've been in Colorado Springs then I have my whole life. Almost every time it rains hard it also hails.

Friday we had district meeting where we met all the new elders that came into the district. We did some tracting. The members we were supposed to have dinner with couldn't feed us cuz they had something come up so they got us a gift card for Fazoli's. So we went there for dinner and it rained again. Saturday we did more tracting and we found a new investigator. His name is Bi*. He was supposed to come to church but he didn't show. More about that later. Saturday was actually pretty hot out. But the day started off kinda cold so we started the day with our jackets on but about half an hour later we had to take them off and put them in our backpacks. While we were tracting we came up to this one house that had a huskie in front. Is was on the leash and barking but the leash had slack on it. I went up to the dog nice and slow with my hand out so that we could get to the door and knock it. The dog didn't seem all that happy we were there. The dog barked a few times and then all of a sudden it jumped a little like it was ready to attack. I knew that and so did Elder McGrath so we both made a run for it. The dog almost got us but we got away in time. This weekend was stake conference so Saturday night we went to the adult session and President and Sister Pfile spoke there.

Sunday We had Stake conference in the morning. We called Bi* an hour before to remind him but there was no answer so we left a message. We called him a total of about prolly 3 or 4 times and he never answered. But stake conference was good. We got home and tracted for a little bit. We went by Bil*'s house to see what was going on but no one answered the door either.

So that was pretty much my whole week. I met a lady that lives in our ward now that knows Amy real well and she met you guys when you went out to pick Amy up at the end of her mission. Her name is Ju*. So let Amy know because sister Fl* wants to get back in touch with her.

The only other thing I could think of that you guys could send me or give me money for would be a camel-back. I think that's how its spelled. But its those backpack things that was a water bladder in it so that I can be on my bike or tracting and always have water.

I love you guys and hope that you all continue to do well. I miss you!

Love Elder Butler


So I just found out that me and Elder McGrath will be staying together for another 6 weeks. And in the same area I might add. But things are going well. This morning we woke up at 8 on accident because the power had gone out sometime in the middle of the night so the alarm clocks were all messed up.
We started teaching Ta* again and we found this girl off tracting. Unfortunately no one was at church again this week. This new family moved into the ward a little while ago and we started teaching them. Two of the sons were baptized back in January. So we went over a few times and had some lessons with them. But the past couple days its been rainy and cold. Not too much fun. Especially when your on a bike going downhill. Speaking of my bike, the cable that controls the front derailer broke this past week. So I had to basically lock it in second and I can't change gears. The back one is fine though. Were going to a members house because he was gunna help fix Elder McGraths breaks so hopefully he can fix my cable too.
Overall this week was pretty good. Nothing super awesome really happened but on the other hand, nothing super bad did either. As for stuff for my birthday, I'd like some Bulls stuff like a shirt or something. I was also thinking it would be really cool to have some footie pajamas like the ones in Sky Mall. Yeah that's all I can really think of. I'm trying to think of things I could actually use and not stuff that will just take up more room in my luggage.
Its good to hear that everything is going well back home. Do you guys have any plans for the summer? I can't wait for it to stop becoming randomly cold here. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a car then on those days where its pretty warm I could wear short sleeves but being on a bike and going downhill you need a jacket unless its really nice. I think I'm gunna go to Kohls today since its p-day and take a look at their dress pants and see if they have any good ones for cheap.
Were still waiting to get this month's Ensign. We'll prolly get it at zone conference next week.

This is the last transfer that President Pfile will be here. He'll go home at the end of next month. The new mission president I believe has been announced. His name is President Anderson? or something like that. Anyways its kinda exciting to see how the mission will change but kinda scary too. Well I have to be going now. I love all of you and I cant wait to hear back.
Love Elder Butler


Well people, this week was pretty interesting. The highlight was definitely mothers day being able to talk to the fam on Skype. Besides that the week was up and down. Tuesday was mostly tracting and Wednesday Elder McGrath wasn't feeling good. Thursday was actually a pretty good day. We Did some tracting and we found a new investigator. His name is Do*. He apparently was baptized like a year ago into some kind of born-again church. But we explained how he needed to be baptized by someone who holds the authority of God. So he took a Book of Mormon and stuff. He ended up not coming to church yesterday so we'll see what happens. He was making really lame commitments and didn't seem super sincere. Friday was pretty decent. We did some more tracting and stuff. Saturday we were gunna go do service for someone but when we got there no one was home. So we went back to our members house and helped him grind some stumps out of the ground. It was nice to be outside in the sun doing some service. The downside though was that it totally drained me of energy and I started to get a headache. We did some tracting on Saturday and ran into the anti-mormon guy who I really wanted to punch in the face but being a missionary I decided that wouldn't be the best action.

That was pretty much it for this week. And apparently they changed transfers to the day before so now its on Tuesday the 17th like it used to be. So if anyone would like a personal letter to them all you have to do is write me one. Send all letters to 4090 Center Park Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80916. And also a reminder that my birthday is coming up in the next few weeks. I'll be 20 which is weird to me. I'll no longer be a teenager. I'm still trying to decided whether that's a good thing or not. Anyways I miss you all and can't wait to hear from you.

Love Elder Butler


Hello everyone!

This week has kinda been slow. We were only able to teach like 4 lessons this week. We just don't have any good investigators. They're all super hard to get a hold of. So we have little to no contact with them. We have been working with this one family who the Dad is less active so we go over there quite a bit to visit with them. Other then that we have been doing a lot of tracting.

But I'm doing well and having fun. I try not to get too frustrated. I have some funny pictures and after I get them printed off and get my other memory card back ill send you this one.

I got a letter from Neal and it sounds like his trainer is kinda a slacker. He said that he goes home in August and has already kinda "checked out". But he sounds like he's doing good. Oh and by the way Mom and Dad. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I was thinking about you guys yesterday. You are so lucky to get all this stuff piled on all at the same time. It was Sean's birthday also yesterday. I sent him a letter. So this morning a guy that Elder McGrath knows from an old area took us out to lunch and told us all about how they killed Osama Bin Ladin. And everyone has been talking about how great the royal wedding was. I hope you guys didn't stay up to watch it. Ha ha.

The weather here has been pretty crappy this last week. Its been rainy and snowy almost the whole time. It looks like its supposed to warm up though this week. I can finally start wearing short sleeves on a regular basis. So remember those sunglasses that I got in New York City? Yeah they broke. So I tried taping them back together with some electrical tape but they're just not the same.

Have you had any luck finding the warranty for my watch? It was in this like can thing. I'm pretty sure I gave it to Dad before I left. Transfers are in two weeks. And on transfer day, it will be my 9 month mark. I haven't heard really how Amy and Sterling are doing. Whats going on with them? Anyways. That's all I got for now. Can't wait to talk to you on Sunday!

Love, Elder Butler


So I found out the reason why I hadn't been getting mail recently. When we moved into the members house the mail man didn't know we did. So he saw mail coming in to the house of people he thought didn't live there so he said that some of it may have been returned to the senders. And on top of that the mission office had the wrong address for us too. But I did get the Easter package which was awesome. Ive run out of room on both of my tie racks so I'm gunna have to start hanging the extra ties on regular hangers.

Your Easter weekend sounds like it was a lot of fun. This week was uneventful. We haven't been able to contact any of our investigators. We been mostly tracting throughout the week. Saturday night we went over to a less active families house to visit with them and they were dying Easter eggs so they let us do a few. On Easter the members we live with gave us a little bit of candy and we had Easter dinner at this other families house and had family night with them.

On Friday the ward had a talent show thing and Jim played guitar at it. The dumb part was that he came late and left early. But overall it was pretty good. I've been super tired lately and I've been getting enough sleep (or rather the allotted amount).

Earlier in the week on Thursday, it was in the 70's. The day after that it was like in the low 60's. Then on Saturday it was cold and it snowed. Sunday was still cold and it rained about half the day. Today it isn't as cold but is still pretty chilly. Sorry that this email is so short but it just wasn't a very good week. We don't really have anyone to teach and when we find someone we cant ever get a hold of them again. But... the good news is that the 8th is mothers day! Apparently Skype is approved but the mission president kinda looks down on it and says that its too distracting. So I'll be able to call and talk to you so let me know what number to call and where you'll be and what time to call. The morning would prolly be best cuz I have church at 1:30 mountain time and we usually get there at 1. So any time before that would be awesome. Anyways Hope you all are doing good. I Miss you!!

Love Elder Butler


Hey peoples

That's awesome that Kristin and the baby are doing good! That's crazy she had her 2 weeks early. This week has been pretty awesome but tough. Tuesday we spent the morning cleaning the new apartment. It really stinks having to clean up after who knows how many sets of missionaries. We had to fill in all the holes in the walls from thumbtacks and clean the oven which was disgusting and wash the walls and everything. It was nuts. Tuesday we also taught this less active family that just moved in. Were teaching them again tonight. were gunna watch The Testaments with them. Also on Tuesday we went and taught Ji* who was a guy that we were teaching for a while. He seemed to be pretty solid that he agreed with almost everything we taught him and believed the Book of Mormon was true, but he wouldn't accept baptism yet. So were gunna put him on the back burner for now.

Wednesday we had to teach seminary. We were planning on watching the Joseph Smith movie but the TV wasn't in the room and we don't have a key to the library or anything. So we had to teach the regular lesson which was on section 107 which is about the priesthood and stuff and everyone already knew what was in there so we ended up just playing hangman. The rest of Wednesday was planning and tracting.

Thursday morning we had interviews. That was really good talking with president alone and role playing with the zone leaders and the AP's. After interviews we went and did some service for this old guy. Then we tried to see some people but none of them were there and did some tracting. We got one return appointment which was cool.

Friday we taught seminary again and then had district meeting. We went to the appointment that we set up the previous day and committed her to baptism on the 1st. Her name is Co* and she has a lot of health problems. Then we did a little bit of more tracting and stuff.

Saturday was cool. We tracted more in the morning and found this girl named Rory. We taught her on her doorstep and committed her to be baptized on the 1st. Later on in the day we went by a potential from the area book and committed him to baptism too! His name is Ta*. Then we did some tracting and finished off the day.

Sunday was frustrating. No one came to church so they all lost their dates. I got a flat tire on the way to dinner. And Elder McGrath was having problems with his bike too. But after dinner we went by this family's house that lives just around the corner from the members that we live with. They are the Wa* family. And I found out on Sunday that they lived in the Ridgeview ward while Amy was serving there. So when sister Wa* mentioned that she lived in Ridgeview ward back in 2006 or so I asked her if she knew Amy because I cant remember the actual time that Amy served. So that was crazy that she knows her. Sister Wa* was inactive for a little while but recently she has been coming back and is becoming really strong. Her husband is inactive and he smokes and stuff but is in the process of quitting.

So that was pretty much it for this week. So what is everybody planning on doing for Easter? I can't believe its this Sunday. Oh and i just realized that today is my 8th month mark. At the end of this transfer I'll have been out for 9 months. Time is just flying by. I haven't really heard from anyone in a couple weeks. That picture from my bike wreck was actually my heavy coat not my suit thankfully. But speaking of suits I need to get mine dry cleaned cuz i have yet to do that ever. Its nuts that everything is happening all at the same time. Rachel coming back, Kristin's baby, Jeff moving, Easter. That's outta control.

Hope everyone continues to do well and I cant wait to hear from each one of you.

Love Elder Butler


Hey peoples

So I just found out that both me and Elder McGrath will be staying in the sixth ward for another 6 weeks. We also found out that we will be moving in with some members on Thursday. The mission will no longer be leasing the apartment so we have to clean it all out and pack everything up. I have a package that I'm gunna be sending home for myself that has some stuff that I don't have room to lug around the rest of my mission. So don't open it. just put it in my room or at grandma and grandpa's house. It just has some letters people have sent and just some little things and stuff.

The past week has been pretty decent. On Tuesday we helped what is now a former investigator move to another part of springs. It took a lot longer then we were planning. We also had dinner with a less active family. Wednesday we had planning and did some tracting. We also had a lesson with this guy who seems really interested. Thursday we did more tracting and then helped someone else move with a bunch of people in the ward. The funny thing about
Thursday was that elder McGrath crashed his bike.

So there are these paths that run in between some neighborhoods. We use them on our bikes all the time cuz they cut down on travel time. There is this one part of the path that goes pretty steep downhill to a tunnel that runs under the road. We were going down this part of the path. The stupid thing is that right before the tunnel is a tree. So the path makes a sharp turn that goes around the tree into the tunnel. And on both sides of the path are a fence. We're cruising the path and I'm in front and I realize I'm going a little too fast. So I start to slow down Elder McGrath is behind me and his breaks aren't working and he hits the wooden fence, flips over his handle bars and hits the ground pretty hard. It wasn't funny at the time but it sure is now.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same as everyone else. We were at conference pretty much all weekend. We had an investigator come to Saturday afternoon session so that was pretty exciting. Saturday the weather here was in the 80's. Unfortunately we spent most of the time inside. Then Sunday came and it snowed. So the temp dropped 50+ degrees in less then 24 hours.

Anyways that's all I can think of. Hope everything is going good with everyone.

Love Elder Butler

Monday, May 16, 2011


Hello friends and family!
I am so sorry that you haven't seen anything new on Steve's blog. It won't allow me to copy and paste into it. I would have to rewrite his letters in order to post them. There are many notes on the help area about this issue so I know that it's not just my problem. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

Keep checking back to see if we are able to resolve this issue. If it doesn't soon then I guess I will retype them into this blog ( boo hooo). :(

Have a great day and send a paper letter to Steve to let him know that you care.
Love his mom,

Monday, March 28, 2011

NOTE The blog is having some issues. I am having a hard time posting blogs that are formatted. Sorry. I'll find out why I am having issues. DD


Well... I guess I'll start with the bad news from the week. So Ka* was supposed to get interviewed on Tuesday. We called her and left a message to make sure that she was still good for it. she called us back later that day and said that she didn't want to be baptized anymore because we almost cost her her job on Sunday at Red Lobster. She said not to come back and not to call her anymore. So no, there wasn't a baptism on Saturday. Wednesday we spent most of the day planning and doing service. Wednesday night my throat started to feel a little bit scratchy. I woke up Thursday morning and I flet like crap. I was all congested and had a cough and my throat was real sore. so we stayed in that day and I rested and took some drugs to get me feeling better. Friday we had District Meeting and we took it a little slow but I still wasn't feeling the best. Saturday i did a little bit better and Sunday about the same. Now I feel fine. I'm at about 98%. Transfers are next week. Elder McGrath has been out for 17 months and he thinks that he is staying here. He thinks that this is gunna be his last area. Honestly i don'tknow what is gunna happen with me. I think I might leave though. I have no clue where I would go. It could really be anywhere. I can't tell you who everyone is in the pictures, because I don't know which ones you're talking about. Sorry. But the snaps were a prank that we did on the Manassa elders when I was in Antonito. We put the snaps on tape and taped them to all the doors, cabinets and drawers (and the toilet seat) so that whenever they would close something it would go off. Then Elder guymon poured a bunch of Kool-aid in their toilet tank. The reason why the letters have been so short is that I've been waiting for your email to come but then I run out of time waiting and I have to whip something up. So this email that I'm replying to is the newest one I have gotten. Fore some reason your emails haven't been getting to me. I don't get them till the next week. My email time is at 10 mountain time and I only have and hour. So usually if I don't get an email from you I'll write a few notes to other people and write my letter to President. I haven't gotten any word from anyone in quite a while. That may be because transfers are coming up and they hold the mail so it doesn't get lost. Neal should be going into the field next week. And Spencer should be finishing up school pretty soon. Something that I've always wanted was a Chia Pet. Ha ha but that woudl be really hard to carry around the mission. I have gotten a hold of a lava lamp that I'll prolly send home so I don't have to lug it around. the only thing I'm worried about taht is that I don't want anyone using it and breaking it and I might send some clothes home like Tshirts and stuff cuz I really don't need as many as I have. But the problem is that stuff will prolly cost a lot and I don't really have a good way to get down to teh post office. So for the next package the only thing I can think of that I would want is some moccasins. Dont send any like hygine stuff cuz I already have way too much of that. Talks and stuff are always good. Ummmm I don't know I can't really think of much. What ever you send will be awesome! But that is all for now.I love and miss you all. Elder Butler


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hey mom I don't have a lot of time left. less the 15 min so ill try to get in as much as I can.

So this week was pretty good. We have a few new investigators but yet again no one came to church. We have like 7 people were working with but they are all super flaky. Ka* is supposed to be baptized on Saturday. She has an interview with president tomorrow. Hopefully that will go well. She wasn't at church either. Her boss wont let her get off work to come to church or anything. Its really frustrating and we don't know what to do. Jo* is from Lebanon and he has a kind of accent like from the terminal. Its pretty funny but hard to understand him and talk to him. he doesn't understand a lot and he believes that every church has authority so he doesn't want to be baptized. he prolly wont cuz he will not progressing. But that's really pretty much it for investigators. Transfers are right after general conference so like on the 5th or 6th. Last I heard from Spencer he is just waiting for his bishop to get back in town and he'll start his papers. He wants to be out by July.

We get fed every night so I'm eating just fine. for lunch i usually have leftovers, a pizza, mac and cheese, or a ham sandwich. The apartment is fine but threes a lot of crazy people and sound goes right through the windows. But other then that its pretty good. The ward said they found us a new home to live in and that we'd prolly move in at the beginning of April. I sent the memory card home so you should have gotten it by now. Anyways, my companion thinks that I'm going to be transferred this next transfer. He thinks that this is to be his last area and that I'm gunna be a senior companion. We'll see about that. But anyways time is running short so I gotta go. Love and miss you all!

Elder Steve Butler

Monday, March 14, 2011


Note- my email must be having some problems. Steve said that he didn't get a letter but I know that I sent one. I'll have to find out what the story is.... :(

Hey so I haven't gotten a letter yet so I guess Ill have to wait till next week to get one. This past week was really good, then really crappy again. So Tuesday was actually a really good day. We had this specialized training. It was like a mini zone conference. We watched a bunch of videos from the district 1. We talked a lot about going back to the basics. So Tuesday was a pretty good day. Wednesday we had weekly planning and then had a lesson fall through in the afternoon and that was pretty much it. Oh and my front tire on my bike went flat. Luckily it was just as we were leaving the apartment. We went back it and took off the wheel and the tire. We found where the leak was and it was the tiniest hole. So i got some super glue and glued over the hole, put it all back together and it was good to go. Thursday was a pretty awesome day. We got a referral from our bishop and went to teach them and committed them for baptism on the 27th. So that was pretty cool. Not much else happened that day. Friday was district meeting. We taught the referral from bishop again (Mike and Amberlee). They grew up in Utah and have lived here in the springs for a few months. Mike is Amberlee's half brother. they live together with Amberlee's daughter. We also taught Karla again and now we have taught her all the lessons. Also on Friday we tracted this one street and got like 6 potentials off it. It was super awesome. Best street ever. Saturday we were loaded up with lessons. Unfortunately they pretty much all fell through. So Saturday turned out to be a super bummer. Then Sunday came. We were expecting to have 5 people at church. And guess how many we had!?! 1. And that person left halfway through sacrament meeting. And Sunday evening my back tire went flat. So the week ended out pretty much as crappy as possible but hopefully this week will be better. I have to go now so I'll talk to you all later.

Elder Butler

Monday, March 7, 2011


Why, hello everyone

This week has been crazy like normal. But not a good crazy kinda. This week has been really tough. We've had an abnormal amount of people yelling at us and trying to bash with us. On Saturday we went to Burger King to eat and when we came out my bike lock wouldn't open. So we had to call a member to come and cut the lock cuz we were quite aways from where we wanted to go and our apartment. My companion also got a flat tire on his bike early Sunday morning. We havent been able to teach very many lessons this week. we've done a lot of tracting and trying to see less actives. Unfortunately we havent seen very much success from that though. We did have a cool miracle yesterday.

So we have church at 1.30 which means that we can still have our studies in the morning. As we were having our study we get this random phone call. i look at the phone and its no one that we know. I answered the call and it was someone named Joe. The first thing he asked was "what time does your service start?" It was crazy and out of the blue. We went with our ward mission leader (who is a big time fisherman-dad) and picked him up and he came to church with us. Later that night we went and taught him and gave him a baptismal date for the 20th. it was an awesome miracle that mostly made up for the crappy week we had. Hopefully things will pick up this week and we will see a little bit more success.

So when my companion and I were waiting for members to come with the bolt cutters to free our bikes from the burger king light pole, we walked to a Kohl's that's nearby in our area. There were these really nice pair of brown slacks that would go really good with a few brown ties I have. there was also this beautiful red paisley tie there too. You know if you have time maybe you could put in a little money in my bank so i could get them?? but the only good thing about going to burger king was that as soon as we walked in the next people behind us were members so they bought us our lunch. That was pretty awesome.

Anyways I hope everything with everyone is going well. I'm prolly gunna have to go to walmart today and get a new bike lock since mine was retarded and wouldn't unlock. it was weird cuz when we got out of burger king it wouldn't turn at all. then when we came back from Kohl's it turned halfway. but then my companion broke the key off inside the lock so there was no hope. I miss everyone and hope that everything is going well!

Love, Elder Steve Butler

P.S. I guess i should start adding Steve on there since Neal is going to be a missionary in about a week

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hey Everybody!

This week has been crazy just like every other week. Elder Michener went home on thursday. Since then ive been on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Miles. Hes really cool. Weve been covering 3 wards the past few days. I just found out that my new companion is Elder McGrath. Hes in the buffalo grove stake. I think he lives in lake forrest. But im still serving in the 6th ward. I did get the package and it was awesome. But most of the cookies were broken . Do you want the tupperware back? I will send you my memory card with the pictures in it prolly soon. I just have to print the pictures off it first. For some reason im having trouble about what to right. We dont really have any solid investigators. I have a feeling that this next transfer is just gunna be really tough.
Thats way awesome that you guys got to go to the auto show. Thats always a lot of fun. Too bad andrea didnt get to go. Elder Miles just got a brand new truck for his area. Its a 2011 Chevy Colorado. Its only had 26 miles when we got it and weve been driving in that the past few days. Im glad i havent had to be on my bike but ill be back to it pretty soon. Its weird to think that ive already been out for 6 months. It feels like I just got here. Before I know it ill prolly be home. I hope everyone is doing well. I dont hear much from very many people. The only people that have been very consistant are Mom, Spencer, and Rachel Gibson. Oh and if you didnt figure out already today is Pday cuz yesterday was a holiday even though presidents day isnt much of a holiday. Hopefully the work will pick up soon. Well anyways I gotta go. Love you all!

Elder Butler

Monday, February 14, 2011


Hello everybody

This week was real rough. On Monday we went with some other missionaries and played some basketball and indoor soccer. It was fun but I was totally drained. I got a massive headache that night right before bed. Tuesday I still kinda had a headache and a cold so I took some medicine and I was feeling better but it was supper cold. Like -15 or something like that. We did some tracting and saw a few people that the ward has given us to contact. Wednesday was weekly planning and that took up a lot of time. We took a lot of the stuff that they taught us at zone conference and used it there. Wednesday I was still kinda feeling a little bit ginchy and it got worse as the day went on. That night we went to Te*'s house to teach him and I was feelin it pretty bad. My headache was comin back and my ears started to ache too. We finally got back home and i went right to bed. Thursday came and I was hammered. Elder Michener called up our district leader and went on exchanges in our area with his companion while i slept and rested. So I pretty much slept all day on Thursday which really sucked. Friday I was still feeling pretty bad but we had to go to district meeting. After district meeting we got home and stayed in for pretty much the rest of the day. Saturday we went out and while elder michener and a few of the members did some yard work for a guy while i sat in a car and tried to read the scriptures. I hadn't really eaten anything these past few days cuz my stomach wasn't feeling good either. But Saturday we got to teach a lesson to these girls that we found a couple weeks ago. There mom "used to be" a Mormon and so we saw her on the ward list and so we went over to meet her and it turns out her daughters had met with missionaries before. So we have started to teach them and they went to church yesterday at the singles ward. One of the girls is 22 and the other one is like 15. So hopefully everything with that will work out. So anyways the past week Ive been mostly sick and now I'm finally feeling better.

Elder Michener goes to the mission office on Thursday to go home on Friday morning. So Ill be with my zone leader elder Miles from Thursday til transfers which are on Tuesday i believe. So I'm not sure exactly how that's all gunna work out and everything. It ll prolly be pretty crazy.

That's sweet to hear that Andrea's show choir is doing really well. I was looking at the email that tahlia sent me of their blog and there is a picture in there where Claire looks just like you mom. Its pretty funny. Anyways I havent gotten much study time this week cuz Ive mostly been sick and asleep but I'm almost finished with the book of Mormon again and Ive been reading a little in Jesus the Christ along with bits and pieces of the new testament.

But all in all I'm really good right now so nobody better be worrying about me. I Miss you all and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

Elder Butler