Monday, February 14, 2011


Hello everybody

This week was real rough. On Monday we went with some other missionaries and played some basketball and indoor soccer. It was fun but I was totally drained. I got a massive headache that night right before bed. Tuesday I still kinda had a headache and a cold so I took some medicine and I was feeling better but it was supper cold. Like -15 or something like that. We did some tracting and saw a few people that the ward has given us to contact. Wednesday was weekly planning and that took up a lot of time. We took a lot of the stuff that they taught us at zone conference and used it there. Wednesday I was still kinda feeling a little bit ginchy and it got worse as the day went on. That night we went to Te*'s house to teach him and I was feelin it pretty bad. My headache was comin back and my ears started to ache too. We finally got back home and i went right to bed. Thursday came and I was hammered. Elder Michener called up our district leader and went on exchanges in our area with his companion while i slept and rested. So I pretty much slept all day on Thursday which really sucked. Friday I was still feeling pretty bad but we had to go to district meeting. After district meeting we got home and stayed in for pretty much the rest of the day. Saturday we went out and while elder michener and a few of the members did some yard work for a guy while i sat in a car and tried to read the scriptures. I hadn't really eaten anything these past few days cuz my stomach wasn't feeling good either. But Saturday we got to teach a lesson to these girls that we found a couple weeks ago. There mom "used to be" a Mormon and so we saw her on the ward list and so we went over to meet her and it turns out her daughters had met with missionaries before. So we have started to teach them and they went to church yesterday at the singles ward. One of the girls is 22 and the other one is like 15. So hopefully everything with that will work out. So anyways the past week Ive been mostly sick and now I'm finally feeling better.

Elder Michener goes to the mission office on Thursday to go home on Friday morning. So Ill be with my zone leader elder Miles from Thursday til transfers which are on Tuesday i believe. So I'm not sure exactly how that's all gunna work out and everything. It ll prolly be pretty crazy.

That's sweet to hear that Andrea's show choir is doing really well. I was looking at the email that tahlia sent me of their blog and there is a picture in there where Claire looks just like you mom. Its pretty funny. Anyways I havent gotten much study time this week cuz Ive mostly been sick and asleep but I'm almost finished with the book of Mormon again and Ive been reading a little in Jesus the Christ along with bits and pieces of the new testament.

But all in all I'm really good right now so nobody better be worrying about me. I Miss you all and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

Elder Butler

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