Monday, February 7, 2011

Hey everyone and people

So before i forget mom if you could look and see if you have the 1993 june ensign and if you do could you send it to me? because president pfile is in it and hes wearing like a hawaiian shirt and a cowboy hat. Its pretty funny looking.

This week has been OUT-OF-CON-TROL. So on monday we had P-day and Elder and Sister Grover are at the end of their mission so we had Grover day at the mission office. Where I was lucky I was there cuz my tie racks were there. They couldnt be sent to me cuz they were sent UPS. Anyways we had cake and stuff it was fun. On tuesday, if you didnt hear, it was -40 with the wind chill. Me and elder michener were on exchanges in our disrtict leaders area. While Elder michener and the district leader were going to appointments in the car me and Elder McGrath (who is in the buffalo grove stake) had to go tracting. We tracted for a totall i think of like 1 1/2 hours. I was sufficiently covered but my eyes werent so when the wind would blow into my face my eyes would water. And cuz it was so cold it immediately froze. Which made my eyelashes freeze together every once in a while.

On wednesday both me and elder michener werent feeling good. So we stayed in and did some cleaning and a little bit of planning. Thursday was zone conference which took up pretty much the whole day. Friday was district meeting so we had like half a day there and saturday we finally got a whole work day. Yesterday was a pretty normal fast sunday. I have no idea what happened in the super bowl for obvious reasons. I havent had a chance to ask anyone yet.

And guess what happened today? On the way to the library where im emailing right now this guy started yelling at me and my companion. I rode by bike past him on the side walk and I heard him yelling so i ignored it. I look back to see where my companion is and he is talking to the guy so i turn around and ride back there and the guy wont let my companion get past him. Hes yelling at him for riding on the sidewalk and cussing and saying anti stuff like how Joseph Smith is the devil. Elder Michener is trying to apologize and get past him but the guy is like pushing him trying to get him onto the street (cuz i guess thats where your supposed to ride your bike). So I tell the guy hes gotta settle down. Finally the guy lets us go but he continues to yell at us even after we cross the street. It was ridiculous. But whatre you gunna do? At first i was just laughing in my head and then i started getting mad but we got outta there so its all good.

But besides that not much has happened this week. Its cold and theres snow and its not fun to be out in but there really is nothing else productive to do. I suppose i could just sit in the apartment and do nothing but id prolly hang myself and that would be a complete waste of the lords time. The snow storm in chicago was on the news out here. Our member recorded it and made me watch the short clip. It reminded me of the movie Day after tomorrow. So remember that huge winter coat you got for me mom from Mr Mac? All the buttons on one side of it came off. And the hem on the right leg of the dress slacks came undone. I sewed up one of them very badly but im gunna take them to a lady in the ward and she will fix them for me. Oh and Jeff. I was at dinner at this family's house the other night and the mom's brother teaches Jazz at BYU. I told her that you played percussion there and she called him up and said that he knew of you. His name is Ray Smith or Brother Smith or something. Anyways I thought that was cool.

But thats all for me. Cant wait to hear from all of you. Stay Warm!

Love, Elder Butler

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