Monday, January 31, 2011


Hey all of everyone and stuff

this past week was pretty average. Nothing really note worthy. We did however get this new investigator guy. We went by his house like around 11 on Thursday and he wasn't home so we started biking up towards the top of our area to see some other people when I get a call on the phone. I didn't recognize the number and I answered the phone. It was they guy who we just tried to see and he said that the office of the apartments said that they saw two guys in suits knock on his door so he gave us a call and said for us to come over. So we turned around and went back and taught him a lesson. He was super interested and everything. Unfortunately his girlfriend got sick so we had to cancel his appointment on Saturday night and he couldn't come to church. On Saturday we pretty much spent 60% of the day giving some service to a member so Saturday was kinda shot.

We got to teach the lady who might be unaccountable this past week. We figured if she can understand what repentance and baptism are then she is prolly accountable enough to be baptized. So we did a few activities with her and stuff to try to discern if she is or not. So far she remembers bits and pieces. She is gunna meet with bishop on Wednesday and hes gunna talk to her and depending on what she says we will keep going or stop teaching her.

This next week is gunna be crazy. We have exchanges tomorrow with our district leader, weekly planning on Wednesday, and zone conference on Thursday. So we have like 2 1/2 working days this week if not less. I did get the package and thank you so much. Regarding people who sent me things for Christmas that i haven't written back, I don't really have the addresses because i got transferred right after the holidays so the packages with the addresses are all in my old apartment. I'm starting to run low on stamps so if you guys could send me some more sheets of them that would be awesome.

The weather has been way crazy lately. It has been in the 60's lately. I think it even got into the 70's one day but that is long gone now. Its like in the teens and snowing today which really stinks so we got a ride to the library so we didn't have to ride our bikes there.So the members we live with said that some crazy stuff is going on with Egypt. but as missionaries we are completely clueless on whats going on. And its extremely conservative here so pretty much everyone hates Obama. The members always have fox news on so we hear it as we go down into the basement. Anyways i cant really think of anything else to say. I cant believe this transfers almost over. Its week 4 already and Elder Michener goes home in 18 days. I'm not sure what the arrangement is going to be for me between the time he leaves and when transfers happen cuz transfers are on the 21. So we'll wait and see. I love you all and would like to hear from anyone who reads this.

-Elder Butler

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