Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So the past week has been kinda crazy. Right after i finished emailing I said a few goodbyes and then started packing as fast as i could. I got everything all packed up and my goodbyes said by like 3 or so. Then me and another elder that i have become good friends with, Elder Smith, drove up to springs. The pass to get out of the valley was supper icy. We were going about 20 mph behind these two semi trucks. We didn't know exactly where we were going when we got to springs. We ended up getting to where we were spending the night at about 9:30. We got there and we were dead tired. We had to wake up pretty early the next day to eat some breakfast and get to the church building by like 7. So we got there and i hung around till the transfer meeting started. We got to see all the new missionaries and stuff. Then i met my new companion. His name is Elder Michener. hes from Anaheim, CA. Hes a convert of like 4 years or so. This is his last transfer so I'm "killing him off". So we are in the Springs 6th ward. The area is way small compared to fox creek. its between Academy and Powers from west to east. and constitution to Barns from south to north. And we are on bikes which really stinks because there are tons of hills and crap in the area. SO its all up and down hill. Oh and by the way we were flushed in. So the past few days we have been trying to learn the area and find people to teach and get to know all the members. Its really nice though because there are a lot of members and we get fed every night. The ward is super awesome and the ward mission leader and missionaries are amazing. Elder Guymon was pretty mad that he was staying in fox creek because hes been there for 10 months now. He is going through some tough things with his new companion but i didn't have all the details yet. Its really cool being in this area because there are actually people to talk to and plenty of streets to tract. The only thing I don't like though is being on bikes haha. Were living with members right now in their basement and they told us a little while ago that they are planning on moving because they can't find a job. Were living with this lady and her son. He has a really bad back from a work accident so he can't do very many things work wise. He's prolly like in his 30's. But anyways their basement is really cold. It'd be really nice if you could send me some sweat pants. The ones that DON'T have the elastic on the leg holes.

That's way cool that you guys are having a convert baptism in the ward. And I'm glad that your feeling better mom. I'm kinda getting over a small cold but its nothing. Its weird every time i get to emailing i can never think of things that i need/want. OH! It'd be really cool to have a tie rack so I don't have to hang all my ties on a plastic hanger. I cant believe you guys just get all this new stuff as soon as i leave. I knew that was gunna happen. Just as long as you don't get a new car that Andrea can drive. I did get dad's note by the way. One way that you could study the scriptures is by reading preach my gospel and looking up all the references in that. It gives a ton of scriptures in all the standard works throughout the entire thing. That's one thing you could do. Right now I'm working on finishing the book of Mormon again.

So anyways i cant really think of anything else to say. That's pretty much it for me. I love you all and would love to hear from everyone!

Elder Butler

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