Thursday, January 6, 2011


I'm sorry that last weeks letter was so short. Me and elder Guymon were both really sick. He was throwing up and I had really bad diarrhea. And then the next day i wasn't feeling good either so we stayed in on Tuesday too. The rest of the week we spent 90% of it tracting. All the investigators we had before have dropped off the map so its been difficult for us. The only solid person we have right now is Ja*.

Ja* has come to church twice now and we have taught him all the lessons except for the commandments. That's what we plan on teaching him this week because his date is on Sunday. So far he looks good except the big problem. He has been living with his girlfriend and they aren't married. So he needs to get married before he can be baptized so hopefully when we teach the law of chastity tonight everything goes well.

So Sunday night we drove to Pueblo, CO for a Christmas conference. It was really cool. It was like a zone conference except shorter. We watched this DVD called "To This End Was I Born." It seemed basically the same as lamb of god. It was really good. We talked a lot about how we can improve our missionary work and things. After we had finished everything we went back into the gym and they brought out all our packages. I was surprised cuz i had a ton. I got one from you guys and one from sears and Kmart. Then i had one from the Ellison's, one i think from David and Jodi (someone from twin falls), one from the relief society, and then one from Rachel Gibson's family. Then every missionary got a bag with some gifts from President and Sister Pfile. Everyone got a tie. Mine was this really cool silver and black one but its kinda skinny. But President bought it so it must be approved. Then we got some small things like candy and such. Oh and i got this really nice red fleece throw. Its so warm and soft. Anyways, my companion has a girlfriend back home that's waiting for him but she has decided to go on a mission too so she'll be gone before he gets home. She told him when i first got into the field that she was gunna send him a package. so he's been waiting since then to get this package and he finally got it at Christmas conference. He was way excited.

I sent you guys a package the other day and you should have it by now. It just has some small gifts that are wrapped up. Open the box and take them out because there is also something in there for the Milners. So if you guys could get that to them That would be way awesome. Ill be calling around 10:30 or 11. What will happen is ill call you and have you call me back so that the members phone we're using doesn't have to pay stuff or something. I'm not sure what number to call so as far as now ill just call Dad's cell. I Love Everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Elder Butler

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