Monday, January 24, 2011


Yeah I'd say I'm more happy here haha. I really love this new area. And I know for a fact that I will be here next transfer too since im "killing off" elder Michener. I think my favorite part is being back in civilization and having dinners every night. My least favorite things are not having a car and all the hills in the area. The members are awesome and they really help out a lot. We've been able to talk to a lot of people. There was a lady that was an investigator from the last set of elders that we have been working with. We dropped her though because she wasn't making any commitments and wasn't progressing. So we really didn't have any investigators. We've been trying to see a lot of the part member families and less actives. Along with tracting and dinners and everything else. Its been way crazy. Elder Michener Likes to talk a lot too so we don't have a lot of time for things. We get to bed just past 10:30 every night and its so hard to wake up every morning. On top of that we have to ride our bikes everywhere. But things are good and I like it.

There is this lady that other missionaries had told us about. She apparently can't remember anything the missionaries teach her. I guess she has a mental disability. So all the other missionaries say that she isn't accountable enough to be baptized. But our ward mission leader really wanted us to go by and start teaching her again. The was a time where she really wanted to come to church so she started walking and got lost. So the other day we go over there and gave her our phone number and told her to call us if she could get off work early so that we could get her a ride to church. Sunday comes and she called us and we called up a person in the ward and she was able to come to church. Between sacrament meeting and Sunday school she told me that she only needed to come to church 2 more times and then she could be baptized. We had never told her that so apparently she is remembering some things. So we think that she just has a learning disability where she cant remember things that she reads so were gunna work with her and see if we can get her to learn the major things so that she can be baptized.

So that's really all that's going on with me. There are a few things that I would like. So somehow a little moisture got into my watch and its getting foggy all the time. So I was wondering if you guys could send me my watch warranty so I can go to JC Penny and get it fixed or replaced. I would also like a wallet size of my Patriarical Blessing and my line of authority. And besides that I think I'm pretty good.

As for those questions I'll try my hardest to get that done and sent to you but there just isn't a lot of time sometimes. So I will do my best to get at least mine and my companions done. I love you all and its really great to hear from everybody!

-Elder Butler

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