Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hello everybody!

How was the new years celebration? Ours was pretty lame but ill get to that in a second. So the marriage/baptism of Jammie was really good. But also a disaster. So the wedding was planned for 5 with the baptism right after it. We got there at like 4:15 with Ja* and Ne* to take a few pictures. We get into the building and we don't hear anything. Elder Guymon went to the font to check on it while I talked to Ja*. And guess what happened?!? No one filled the font. It takes three hours to fill the font with nice hot water but we had less then an hour till the baptism. So we scrambled to get things together while taking pictures and setting up. So in order to fill the font in time we just had to blast it. It got all filled in time but the water was about 60 degrees. The marriages went well and everything and then we had the baptism. The water was freezing and it was all yellow. I had to push him under all the way because he almost didn't make it and i didn't want to be in that water any longer. Then we confirmed him after we changed and that was pretty much it.

On Tuesday we just did a lot of tracting and we talked to this guy named An*. We taught him a first lesson so we'll see how that goes. On Wednesday we found another new investigator off tracting. And then I went to Manassa on exchanges. In Manassa they don't have a car so we have to ride bikes. That day we biked around 15 miles. A lot of which was into the wind with heavy snow. It really sucked. But we got to teach an Amish family off tracting. That was cool. By the end of the day my legs felt like I had been shot with a gun. The worst thing is that most of the roads there are dirt so its so hard to ride a bike on them. Anyways we didn't have much of a chance to do anything on Friday cuz we have meetings in the morning and then, because it was new years eve, we had to be in by 5. But in the little time we did have we taught this kid named Ju* and he is now a new investigator. So after we got in at 5 we kinda sat around the apartment and we both fell asleep. So we decided to to go and lay down in our beds for a quick nap. We ended up waking up at like 1 in the morning so we just decided to keep sleeping and we ended up getting like 12 hour of sleep. On accident. Saturday was a PDay and we stayed at manassa. Sunday was Sunday and it was all good. And that was pretty much it.

How was every ones holiday season? I have a lot of gift cards to McDonald's and Subway so ill have enough money for fast food for the rest of my mission. Too bad the nearest fast food is half an hour away. ha ha I love you all and cant wait to talk again

Elder Butler

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