Thursday, June 9, 2011


This week was pretty good. On Tuesday We did a lot of biking. My bike still works I just can't change the front gear but its not all that bad. So we were biking and we were taking this turn and all of a sudden I hear this noise like air shooting out of something. Then after a few seconds it stopped. We get to where we were going and I check my back tire and sure enough there's a big ole cut in it. Apparently I ran over some glass or something. The slime in my tube was able to seal it kinda but not all the way. We went to dinner and after that we walked over to target which wasn't too far away. I bought another tube that has sealant stuff in it. A less active member that we've been working with gave us a ball pump that has a bike tire hose on it so we carry that with us in case we get a flat. So I pumped up by tire and hoped that it would keep enough air in it to get me home. The next day we go out there to put the new tube on and the tire is holding air. I take off the wheel to get a better look at it and start to pump it up with the bike pump. As I'm doing this the sealant pops out of the tube and sprays me in the face. So it was a good thing that I bought the new one.

Wednesday started off really nice out. As the day went on though we saw these nasty clouds coming over the mountains. Then out of nowhere the wind picked up and it got freezing cold. Then it started to rain a little bit. We jumped on our bikes and booked it back to the house so that Elder McGrath could get his coat. It started pouring rain and hailing a little bit. We were getting close to our place and we saw some members that let us come in their house until the rain calmed down a little. So we waited a little bit then went up to our place, grabbed his coat and went to dinner.

Thursday was kinda the same thing. It started off nice and then got cold and rained and hailed. It seems to hail a lot around here. I think Ive seen just as much hail here the 5 months I've been in Colorado Springs then I have my whole life. Almost every time it rains hard it also hails.

Friday we had district meeting where we met all the new elders that came into the district. We did some tracting. The members we were supposed to have dinner with couldn't feed us cuz they had something come up so they got us a gift card for Fazoli's. So we went there for dinner and it rained again. Saturday we did more tracting and we found a new investigator. His name is Bi*. He was supposed to come to church but he didn't show. More about that later. Saturday was actually pretty hot out. But the day started off kinda cold so we started the day with our jackets on but about half an hour later we had to take them off and put them in our backpacks. While we were tracting we came up to this one house that had a huskie in front. Is was on the leash and barking but the leash had slack on it. I went up to the dog nice and slow with my hand out so that we could get to the door and knock it. The dog didn't seem all that happy we were there. The dog barked a few times and then all of a sudden it jumped a little like it was ready to attack. I knew that and so did Elder McGrath so we both made a run for it. The dog almost got us but we got away in time. This weekend was stake conference so Saturday night we went to the adult session and President and Sister Pfile spoke there.

Sunday We had Stake conference in the morning. We called Bi* an hour before to remind him but there was no answer so we left a message. We called him a total of about prolly 3 or 4 times and he never answered. But stake conference was good. We got home and tracted for a little bit. We went by Bil*'s house to see what was going on but no one answered the door either.

So that was pretty much my whole week. I met a lady that lives in our ward now that knows Amy real well and she met you guys when you went out to pick Amy up at the end of her mission. Her name is Ju*. So let Amy know because sister Fl* wants to get back in touch with her.

The only other thing I could think of that you guys could send me or give me money for would be a camel-back. I think that's how its spelled. But its those backpack things that was a water bladder in it so that I can be on my bike or tracting and always have water.

I love you guys and hope that you all continue to do well. I miss you!

Love Elder Butler

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