Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello everybody
I am emailing today because yesterday was Memorial Day so the libraries were closed. So today is p-day which is always fun. This week we found two new investigators but they have both dropped us. One got antied cuz she looked up Mormon on the internet. The other one said he wasn't interested anymore. But the good news is that we met with Bi* and hes looking pretty good. He was in Salida this past weekend so he wasn't at church but he said he'd be there the next few weeks.
I got the package and it was awesome.

The weather here has been pretty good lately. Its been nice enough to wear short sleeves so that's been really nice. We were tracting the other day and we knocked on this one door and this fat guy with gray hair and beard opens the door with a baseball bat. Lets just say he didn't seem too friendly.
We had our last zone conference with president Pfile this week. It was really awesome. We talked a lot about focusing on Christ. We practiced teaching the plan of salvation in about 15 mins. Its not that easy so it'll be a work in progress. We also watched a talk given by Elder Holland at the MTC a few months ago. It was awesome as usual. Anyways cant think of much else to say. Hop you all have a good week.
Love Elder Butler

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