Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well people, this week was pretty interesting. The highlight was definitely mothers day being able to talk to the fam on Skype. Besides that the week was up and down. Tuesday was mostly tracting and Wednesday Elder McGrath wasn't feeling good. Thursday was actually a pretty good day. We Did some tracting and we found a new investigator. His name is Do*. He apparently was baptized like a year ago into some kind of born-again church. But we explained how he needed to be baptized by someone who holds the authority of God. So he took a Book of Mormon and stuff. He ended up not coming to church yesterday so we'll see what happens. He was making really lame commitments and didn't seem super sincere. Friday was pretty decent. We did some more tracting and stuff. Saturday we were gunna go do service for someone but when we got there no one was home. So we went back to our members house and helped him grind some stumps out of the ground. It was nice to be outside in the sun doing some service. The downside though was that it totally drained me of energy and I started to get a headache. We did some tracting on Saturday and ran into the anti-mormon guy who I really wanted to punch in the face but being a missionary I decided that wouldn't be the best action.

That was pretty much it for this week. And apparently they changed transfers to the day before so now its on Tuesday the 17th like it used to be. So if anyone would like a personal letter to them all you have to do is write me one. Send all letters to 4090 Center Park Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80916. And also a reminder that my birthday is coming up in the next few weeks. I'll be 20 which is weird to me. I'll no longer be a teenager. I'm still trying to decided whether that's a good thing or not. Anyways I miss you all and can't wait to hear from you.

Love Elder Butler

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