Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello everyone!

This week has kinda been slow. We were only able to teach like 4 lessons this week. We just don't have any good investigators. They're all super hard to get a hold of. So we have little to no contact with them. We have been working with this one family who the Dad is less active so we go over there quite a bit to visit with them. Other then that we have been doing a lot of tracting.

But I'm doing well and having fun. I try not to get too frustrated. I have some funny pictures and after I get them printed off and get my other memory card back ill send you this one.

I got a letter from Neal and it sounds like his trainer is kinda a slacker. He said that he goes home in August and has already kinda "checked out". But he sounds like he's doing good. Oh and by the way Mom and Dad. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I was thinking about you guys yesterday. You are so lucky to get all this stuff piled on all at the same time. It was Sean's birthday also yesterday. I sent him a letter. So this morning a guy that Elder McGrath knows from an old area took us out to lunch and told us all about how they killed Osama Bin Ladin. And everyone has been talking about how great the royal wedding was. I hope you guys didn't stay up to watch it. Ha ha.

The weather here has been pretty crappy this last week. Its been rainy and snowy almost the whole time. It looks like its supposed to warm up though this week. I can finally start wearing short sleeves on a regular basis. So remember those sunglasses that I got in New York City? Yeah they broke. So I tried taping them back together with some electrical tape but they're just not the same.

Have you had any luck finding the warranty for my watch? It was in this like can thing. I'm pretty sure I gave it to Dad before I left. Transfers are in two weeks. And on transfer day, it will be my 9 month mark. I haven't heard really how Amy and Sterling are doing. Whats going on with them? Anyways. That's all I got for now. Can't wait to talk to you on Sunday!

Love, Elder Butler

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