Thursday, June 9, 2011


So I just found out that me and Elder McGrath will be staying together for another 6 weeks. And in the same area I might add. But things are going well. This morning we woke up at 8 on accident because the power had gone out sometime in the middle of the night so the alarm clocks were all messed up.
We started teaching Ta* again and we found this girl off tracting. Unfortunately no one was at church again this week. This new family moved into the ward a little while ago and we started teaching them. Two of the sons were baptized back in January. So we went over a few times and had some lessons with them. But the past couple days its been rainy and cold. Not too much fun. Especially when your on a bike going downhill. Speaking of my bike, the cable that controls the front derailer broke this past week. So I had to basically lock it in second and I can't change gears. The back one is fine though. Were going to a members house because he was gunna help fix Elder McGraths breaks so hopefully he can fix my cable too.
Overall this week was pretty good. Nothing super awesome really happened but on the other hand, nothing super bad did either. As for stuff for my birthday, I'd like some Bulls stuff like a shirt or something. I was also thinking it would be really cool to have some footie pajamas like the ones in Sky Mall. Yeah that's all I can really think of. I'm trying to think of things I could actually use and not stuff that will just take up more room in my luggage.
Its good to hear that everything is going well back home. Do you guys have any plans for the summer? I can't wait for it to stop becoming randomly cold here. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a car then on those days where its pretty warm I could wear short sleeves but being on a bike and going downhill you need a jacket unless its really nice. I think I'm gunna go to Kohls today since its p-day and take a look at their dress pants and see if they have any good ones for cheap.
Were still waiting to get this month's Ensign. We'll prolly get it at zone conference next week.

This is the last transfer that President Pfile will be here. He'll go home at the end of next month. The new mission president I believe has been announced. His name is President Anderson? or something like that. Anyways its kinda exciting to see how the mission will change but kinda scary too. Well I have to be going now. I love all of you and I cant wait to hear back.
Love Elder Butler

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