Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hey peoples

That's awesome that Kristin and the baby are doing good! That's crazy she had her 2 weeks early. This week has been pretty awesome but tough. Tuesday we spent the morning cleaning the new apartment. It really stinks having to clean up after who knows how many sets of missionaries. We had to fill in all the holes in the walls from thumbtacks and clean the oven which was disgusting and wash the walls and everything. It was nuts. Tuesday we also taught this less active family that just moved in. Were teaching them again tonight. were gunna watch The Testaments with them. Also on Tuesday we went and taught Ji* who was a guy that we were teaching for a while. He seemed to be pretty solid that he agreed with almost everything we taught him and believed the Book of Mormon was true, but he wouldn't accept baptism yet. So were gunna put him on the back burner for now.

Wednesday we had to teach seminary. We were planning on watching the Joseph Smith movie but the TV wasn't in the room and we don't have a key to the library or anything. So we had to teach the regular lesson which was on section 107 which is about the priesthood and stuff and everyone already knew what was in there so we ended up just playing hangman. The rest of Wednesday was planning and tracting.

Thursday morning we had interviews. That was really good talking with president alone and role playing with the zone leaders and the AP's. After interviews we went and did some service for this old guy. Then we tried to see some people but none of them were there and did some tracting. We got one return appointment which was cool.

Friday we taught seminary again and then had district meeting. We went to the appointment that we set up the previous day and committed her to baptism on the 1st. Her name is Co* and she has a lot of health problems. Then we did a little bit of more tracting and stuff.

Saturday was cool. We tracted more in the morning and found this girl named Rory. We taught her on her doorstep and committed her to be baptized on the 1st. Later on in the day we went by a potential from the area book and committed him to baptism too! His name is Ta*. Then we did some tracting and finished off the day.

Sunday was frustrating. No one came to church so they all lost their dates. I got a flat tire on the way to dinner. And Elder McGrath was having problems with his bike too. But after dinner we went by this family's house that lives just around the corner from the members that we live with. They are the Wa* family. And I found out on Sunday that they lived in the Ridgeview ward while Amy was serving there. So when sister Wa* mentioned that she lived in Ridgeview ward back in 2006 or so I asked her if she knew Amy because I cant remember the actual time that Amy served. So that was crazy that she knows her. Sister Wa* was inactive for a little while but recently she has been coming back and is becoming really strong. Her husband is inactive and he smokes and stuff but is in the process of quitting.

So that was pretty much it for this week. So what is everybody planning on doing for Easter? I can't believe its this Sunday. Oh and i just realized that today is my 8th month mark. At the end of this transfer I'll have been out for 9 months. Time is just flying by. I haven't really heard from anyone in a couple weeks. That picture from my bike wreck was actually my heavy coat not my suit thankfully. But speaking of suits I need to get mine dry cleaned cuz i have yet to do that ever. Its nuts that everything is happening all at the same time. Rachel coming back, Kristin's baby, Jeff moving, Easter. That's outta control.

Hope everyone continues to do well and I cant wait to hear from each one of you.

Love Elder Butler

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