Thursday, June 9, 2011


So I found out the reason why I hadn't been getting mail recently. When we moved into the members house the mail man didn't know we did. So he saw mail coming in to the house of people he thought didn't live there so he said that some of it may have been returned to the senders. And on top of that the mission office had the wrong address for us too. But I did get the Easter package which was awesome. Ive run out of room on both of my tie racks so I'm gunna have to start hanging the extra ties on regular hangers.

Your Easter weekend sounds like it was a lot of fun. This week was uneventful. We haven't been able to contact any of our investigators. We been mostly tracting throughout the week. Saturday night we went over to a less active families house to visit with them and they were dying Easter eggs so they let us do a few. On Easter the members we live with gave us a little bit of candy and we had Easter dinner at this other families house and had family night with them.

On Friday the ward had a talent show thing and Jim played guitar at it. The dumb part was that he came late and left early. But overall it was pretty good. I've been super tired lately and I've been getting enough sleep (or rather the allotted amount).

Earlier in the week on Thursday, it was in the 70's. The day after that it was like in the low 60's. Then on Saturday it was cold and it snowed. Sunday was still cold and it rained about half the day. Today it isn't as cold but is still pretty chilly. Sorry that this email is so short but it just wasn't a very good week. We don't really have anyone to teach and when we find someone we cant ever get a hold of them again. But... the good news is that the 8th is mothers day! Apparently Skype is approved but the mission president kinda looks down on it and says that its too distracting. So I'll be able to call and talk to you so let me know what number to call and where you'll be and what time to call. The morning would prolly be best cuz I have church at 1:30 mountain time and we usually get there at 1. So any time before that would be awesome. Anyways Hope you all are doing good. I Miss you!!

Love Elder Butler

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