Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hey peoples

So I just found out that both me and Elder McGrath will be staying in the sixth ward for another 6 weeks. We also found out that we will be moving in with some members on Thursday. The mission will no longer be leasing the apartment so we have to clean it all out and pack everything up. I have a package that I'm gunna be sending home for myself that has some stuff that I don't have room to lug around the rest of my mission. So don't open it. just put it in my room or at grandma and grandpa's house. It just has some letters people have sent and just some little things and stuff.

The past week has been pretty decent. On Tuesday we helped what is now a former investigator move to another part of springs. It took a lot longer then we were planning. We also had dinner with a less active family. Wednesday we had planning and did some tracting. We also had a lesson with this guy who seems really interested. Thursday we did more tracting and then helped someone else move with a bunch of people in the ward. The funny thing about
Thursday was that elder McGrath crashed his bike.

So there are these paths that run in between some neighborhoods. We use them on our bikes all the time cuz they cut down on travel time. There is this one part of the path that goes pretty steep downhill to a tunnel that runs under the road. We were going down this part of the path. The stupid thing is that right before the tunnel is a tree. So the path makes a sharp turn that goes around the tree into the tunnel. And on both sides of the path are a fence. We're cruising the path and I'm in front and I realize I'm going a little too fast. So I start to slow down Elder McGrath is behind me and his breaks aren't working and he hits the wooden fence, flips over his handle bars and hits the ground pretty hard. It wasn't funny at the time but it sure is now.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same as everyone else. We were at conference pretty much all weekend. We had an investigator come to Saturday afternoon session so that was pretty exciting. Saturday the weather here was in the 80's. Unfortunately we spent most of the time inside. Then Sunday came and it snowed. So the temp dropped 50+ degrees in less then 24 hours.

Anyways that's all I can think of. Hope everything is going good with everyone.

Love Elder Butler

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