Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wow that's some crazy stuff that's going on over there. Where did Hersey get the money to pay for a turf field? interesting.. anyways this week was all over the place. On Monday we were playing basketball and i got tripped up and rolled my ankle. I felt it pop but I walked it off. IT felt fine the rest of the day but towards the night it started to stiffen up little. On Tuesday I was on exchanges with Elder Sc*s companion that he is training. We went out to work in the morning but he got a flat tire so we had to come back home and fix it. The it was lunch time and my ankle was starting to hurt more so we didn't get much work done that day. Wednesday was the Train the Trainers meeting so we got the new training program and they taught us all about the program and how it should be done an stuff like that. That took up most of the day and then after that we had to move a weeks worth of stuff to another members house because the people we normally live with went out of town for a week and their daughter was staying there taking care of all their birds. So Wednesday night I went on exchanges with Elder Sc* in his area. By this time my foot didn't hurt any more. Exchanges on Thursday were good. We got to teach some of their investigators and stuff so it was fun to be with him. Friday was kinda a bummer. We had district meeting which was good. Then the rest of the day was kinda all over the place crazy. We were supposed to have a lesson with R* but when we got there he was already asleep so we just had a lesson with his fiance who is a member. We talked about church and taking the sacrament. She seemed pretty solid to come to church on Sunday. Saturday we went out tracting in the morning and all these people tried to bash with us saying how the book of Mormon had been rewritten multiple times and all this crap. Then after we were done trating my back tire went flat so now i have to go and get a new tube for my bike. So the rest of the day we were on foot so that limited the amount of other stuff that we could do that day. Sunday no one came to church and afterword we had dinner with bishop and then had a new member lesson with sister Da*. Yesterday we worked because of the holiday. We actually had a pretty good day. We found two new investigators and had some good lessons. And that was pretty much it. Kinda crazy.

Ive actually been thinking about college apps. I have a few school in mind that i would like to apply to. They are BYU provo and Idaho, Utah state and UVU. I still haven't really decided if I want to go right out to school when I get home or stay home for a semester and start in January.

We do have a few couple missionaries in the mission. All the ones now are from springs. I think we have three sets of couples that work in the mission office. One couple is also in the mission presidency. But they are way cool and we get to see them every so often.

The weather has finally begun to cool down. It still get really toasty in the afternoons sometimes but its a little more bearable.

I hope you all are doing well. I miss everyone!

Love Elder Butler

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