Thursday, September 29, 2011


This week was very interesting. Tuesday was a pretty normal day. We went and tried to see some former and potential investigators. No one we tried to see was home except one guy who asked us to come back on Thursday. So that was good cuz he was a referral from Woodland Park. His daughter was recently baptized there. Wednesday we weekly planned and then tracted. Nothing too special. Thursday we went tracting with one of the youth. As we were biking to the area where we were gunna tract elder McG*'s rear derailer snapped in half. So his bike is totally out of commission. So for the past couple days we've been walking or getting rides from people. So its been hard to get things done when you have to walk everywhere. Hes hoping that he can get some money to fix it up in the next few days so that we can get back on the bikes.
So that's been the week thus far. I still take the gummy vitamins but some mornings i just forget on accident. I'm running out of stamps. I think I only have like 3 or 4 left. But other then that i think I'm pretty good. I only got to meet president Anderson that one time. We only see him like once a transfer. so not very often. That was the same way with president Pfile. We only see them at interviews and zone conference.
So what made you guys choose the KIA over the other cars? Does it get pretty good gas mileage? Whats the warranty like on it? It sounds like a pretty cool ride. Good choice on the color too. I live those dark cherry red cars. You guys need to send me some pictures of it.
As far as food and meals and stuff go. We only do breakfast and lunch for ourselves. Our members that we live with don't really cook much and their not home very often. hes the chief of staff for Colorado springs and shes now the relief society president so they stay pretty busy. But we get fed dinner pretty much every night. I think there may be like 1 or 2 nights in a month where we don't get fed but that's nice sometimes.
It sounds like everyone is doing pretty good though. Its weird to think that I'm almost half done. It hasn't felt like Ive been gone for very long. Did the package that i sent home for myself ever come? I sent it like a month or so ago. Ill prolly need to send another one home with shirts in it because I have too many t shirts and I need to get rid of stuff so I don't have so much to lug around with me. We'll be having to move out of our members house the beginning of august because they're gunna be gone pretty much all of that month and then after that their daughter and her husband are moving in with them. As far as I know that haven't found anyone for us to live with yet. So we might just be moving back into the apartments. So we'll see what happens.
That's pretty much it for me. Hope you all are doing well. I miss you!
Love Elder Butler

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