Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hi there
This week was pretty busy. We spent the weekend doing a lot of service and things like that. We helped out with Three moves on Saturday (including ourselves). That took up mostly the whole day. Friday we had to go to this bike shop so elder McG* could get parts for his bike. Were going over to a members tonight and after that the bikes should be up and running.
Something kinda weird happened. We were tracting this street and we see this papa john's pizza truck out side this house. We start walking up and we see the delivery guy lying down on the ground and money on the ground right next to him. At first I thought that he got mugged or something but I think he just tripped down the stairs. It was weird.

The family reunion sounded pretty fun. Sounds like everyone is pretty busy now. When does Andrea start school? I still haven't gotten any letter from anyone in the family. Neither Kristin or Rachel. The last time I got a letter from either one was at least 2 months ago. they must not be getting to me or something.

I got a letter this past week about my temple jubilee. That's where they take all the missionaries who are halfway through the mission and take them to the temple and stuff. So I get to go on the 11th. I'm pretty excited. Its almost been a year since Ive been so I'm looking forward to going back. We find out transfers next week so Ill let you know how that turns out.

So like I said before we started moving into our new abode. Its actually a lot better then I thought it was gunna be. The bathroom is really nice. The bedroom is kinda small but I think we'll live. They make us breakfast every morning so that's really sweet.

Yeah and that's about it. I fixed the watch myself. I just opened it up and used a que tip and got all the moisture out. The second hand fell off but it works plenty fine without it. So its all good. I would like another tie rack if I could. But that's all I can Think of. I miss everyone and I love you all.

Elder Butler

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