Thursday, September 29, 2011


I want everyone to know that I'm doing just fine. President Anderson is really cool. Hes from Kalamazoo Michigan. He seems to be a good mission president. He hasn't really made any changes yet except were not suppose to use the word "greenie" anymore. Something to do with respecting people or something. But the mission bought every companionship a portable DVD player and a copy of both the preach my gospel DVDs. So we can use those for studies and stuff in our apartments. And don't worry I'm not gunna abuse it. I'm not dumb enough to watch movies on it.
The baptism went really well on Saturday. The only hitch was that our ward mission leader (who was just released not because of this though. he was it for 3 1/2 years) didn't make programs. He thought that we were gunna make them. But we don't have a computer so I don't know how he thought we were gunna do it. But everything else worked out perfect. Then she was confirmed on Sunday and I got to confirm her which was really cool.
But not much else happened this week. We did get to give a lot of blessings this week which is always really cool but not much else. I got the package you guys sent. I liked the pictures in it. Ive been feeling a lot better. I'm not as tired as I have been lately. things have been going really good. Its nice to hear the news about everyone and stuff. Tell Amy to email me because there's people that she knew and taught that are in my area that want to hear from her. I love and miss you all!
Elder Butler

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