Thursday, September 29, 2011


Dear home

This week was pretty crazy. My new companions name is Elder H*. Hes from Murray Utah. Its super nice to have a car. Hopefully I get to keep it. they might take it cuz the area is pretty small and the missionary who was here before couldn't ride a bike cuz something with his knee. But anyways my area is in Security, Co which is directly south of springs. Its still basically springs. I'm right east of fort Carson. Its a pretty cool area. Its pretty ghetto though. We have a couple people that the missionaries were working with before we got to the area. One is M* and his brother just got baptized like a month ago. Hes been taught everything and has been to church a bunch of times he just doesn't think hes ready for baptism yet. I don't know why but I have a feeling that he will get baptized soon. Then there is an eternal investigator that is in the same boat. He is like 82 and his whole family are members he just wont get dunked. We picked up another guy named K* who has been taught everything but wont go to church because he has Word of wisdom problems and Law o Chastity problems. So he wants to be fully commited before he comes to church. The members are pretty nice and cool.

Tell grandma that i got her letter and I'm in the process of writing back. its kinda nice to be in an apartment again. Theres a lot more room and we can do our own thing. The only bummer is that I have to buy food now. I'm super excited for conference. Its weird that after this I only have one more left before i go home. My district leader goes home at the end of this transfer. I hope me and elder H* get to stay together for three transfers because i don't wanna have a new companion or area right before Christmas. Have you guys heard anything from Spencer yet? Do you have his address? I haven't heard from him yet so I was just curious. Umm so yeah not much else to report on. I'm doing good and having a lot of fun. I miss you all!

Love Elder Butler

PS. anything about college apps yet?

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