Thursday, September 29, 2011


Howdy y'all!
Its good to hear from everybody. This week has been a really good one. Tuesday we were at the transfer meeting for a while and I got my new companion Elder W*. He's from British Columbia, Canada. He lives on Victoria Island. So its right there by Seattle. Hes had an interesting mission. For some reason they couldn't get his visa on time so he spent a few months in Canada. Then finally they got the visa and he went to the MTC and then has been here in Colorado for one transfer. So he's been out for about 5 months now.
Tuesday after transfer meeting We dropped off his stuff and had to bike quite a ways up to this lady's house that we were supposed to do service for but when we got there they cancelled the service cuz the young men were supposed to help out but not enough of them could come. So we went back to the house and he started to unpack a little bit. The around 3.30 we went to visit this lady who just moved into the ward just a few days ago. So we biked over there and we met her and her fiance. Their names are K* and R*. She was recently baptized like a year ago or so and her fiance isn't a member. She invited him to church so we talked to him briefly about it but then we had to leave. Just as we left Elder W* threw up all over the parking lot. So I called for a ride to pick us up. We went back to the house and he unpacked a little more and then we went to dinner. After dinner we went and met bishop and some other members of the ward.
On Wednesday we had weekly planning and then did some tracting. Nothing really noteworthy. Oh but that night we found out that they are changing the way that we record our stats. We no longer need to keep track of how long we tract for or how many people we talk to. All the stats are how many people we have baptized, how many have a baptismal date, and how many lessons we teach. And that's pretty much it. They didn't really care about how we find people anymore. They just want to know the results. So it should be really interesting. It gives us a lot more freedom to be creative in finding new investigators. So if you guys have any ideas thatd be sweet and we'll try them out.
Thursday was one of the best days. We met at the mission office at about 11. I got to see all the missionaries that I came out with. We packed up the vans with our overnight bags and stuff and then drove up to the temple. It was a ton of fun. I got to do sealings and then we did an endowment session all together. Then we drove back and had dinner. Then we all sat down together with President Anderson and got to talk about the temple for a few hours. It was a lot of fun. Then the next morning we had breakfast and talked some more about the temple and then we all went back to our areas. After I got back we went to district meeting which was good.
Saturday was packed. In the morning we went and tried to see a bunch of less actives and then in the afternoon we had this lesson with this guy named W*. It was going pretty good until his dad kinda butted into the lesson. he started asking all these questions and got us off topic and basically ruined the lesson. So that was kinda a bummer. Then after dinner we were gunna bike somewhere else but i went to put on my helmet (which is already pretty hammered) and the buckle was missing. So I couldn't ride my bike cuz I couldn't put my helmet on so we had to walk them.
Sunday was pretty good. The best part though was after dinner we went to have a lesson with Rob and explain church a little bit more. So we went over and started teaching him and we then taught a first lesson and asked him to be baptized. He accepted to be baptized on Sep 4. Were super stoked about it. The only huge concern is that they re living together and they have their wedding date planned for not this Halloween but next Halloween. So not until over a year from now. So that's something that were gunna be having to work out and see if we can either get them married within the next three weeks or have them separate until they are married.
So that's pretty much all that's going on with me. Its been a really good week and I'm looking forward to this transfer. I have been in 6th ward for like 7 months now but i still like it for the most part. Sometimes I kinda get sick of it but I have no idea when ill get transferred. So I might as well make it fun while I'm here. Cuz for all I know I could get transferred out to like Kansas or something.
Anyways I miss you all and I hope that your all doing well.
Love Elder Butler

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