Thursday, September 29, 2011


Greetings from the Springs

Things are going pretty good here. This week was pretty decent. On Tuesday we were on exchanges with our district leader. That was pretty fun and a good change of pace. Elder McG* found a new investigator that day. Her name is F*. I haven't met her yet but we'll be going over there tomorrow cuz she has work off. Wednesday was a pretty average day. We went tracting and this lady started bashing with us. She was kinda crazy. It was pretty funny. She kept saying stuff that totally contradicted the bible and she was saying how the angel Moroni is from the devil because of what it says in Galatians 1:4 i think. The part where it says that if any man or angel proclaim another gospel let him be accursed. But then we told her it was the same gospel but she wouldn't believe us. Then we told her that the gospel was faith, repentance, baptism.. then she stopped us and said that baptism isn't the gospel and you don't need it you just have to say you believe. And apparently Jesus' baptism was a different baptism. Lots of crazy opinions.

Friday was a cool day. We went to district meeting and then we got brand new phones! The mission switched from Verizon over to sprint. We all have the LG Remarq I think it is. Its square and has a sliding full keyboard. Kinda looks like a blackberry. Anyways they re pretty sweet and we now have 300 minutes and unlimited texting. I have a feeling that will get taken away pretty quickly though.

On Sunday all the missionaries in the zone sang at the north stake conference. We sang a song called faith in every footstep. It was printed in an ensign in like 1997 or something. Anyways we did that then went right to our church. We didn't have any investigators show up. It seems like we find all these investigators and then we lose contact with them and they never keep commitments. Its really annoying. Anyways Pday will be on Tuesday next week and that's when we find out transfers. President Pfile goes home in two weeks and President Anderson will be here. It ll be interesting to see what changes he makes.

I think dads idea for the opening of youth conference is awesome. Sounds like it ll be pretty funny. That's crazy that everyone is moving all over the place. I got a letter from Amy and Kristen a couple days ago and one from Spencer and his family. They sent me those talking cards. One of them wasn't working so i cracked it open and fixed it so its all good now. Any luck on finding my watch warranty? I went to JC Penny and they told me what i needed off the receipt or something so that i can get it repaired. I'm pretty sure that the receipt is with the other stuff in the little relic can it came in.

A recent convert's husband is home for R&R for the next two weeks and she said that he had a couple Camelbaks that she'd give one to me so I'm good on that. My bike is all good. I got a new cable for it and put it on so its fine now. And that's pretty much it. Good luck with Youth Conference and I hope Everything goes well.

Love Elder Butler

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