Monday, August 29, 2011


Hey thanks for all the pictures you guys sent. they were really cool. I don't mean this to be mean but I kinda laughed when I read about peep. It sounds like James's wedding was pretty fun. It was cool to see that Michael was in one of the pictures. I'll be sending my memory card prolly soon. I've been meaning to for a while but I keep forgetting. And I've sent pictures more than once in a year mom.
Sorry Mom that I forgot to say happy birthday last week :/ Besides peep escaping how was it? Did you do anything to celebrate it? Do you guys have any plans for labor day this weekend? We might have Pday on Tuesday next week because of that but I don't know for sure.
This week was pretty decent. We taught a whole bunch of lessons and stuff. Most of them were less actives and doorstep stuff. Unfortunately we didn't find any new investigators this week. But this morning a member introduced us to this guy who he wants us to teach so hopefully that turns out well. We still haven't been able to meet with Rob. We've been able to teach Nate but he got real busy like Friday and he said that he didn't know when he would be able to meet with us next. We didn't have anyone to show up for church.
I got an email this morning from the APs and it was titled "train the trainers meeting". so I'm not sure if that is hinting to the fact that ill be training next transfer but apparently elder Wylie counted all the names of the people invited to the meeting and its the same number of new missionaries that are coming in. So who knows what will happen but I'm not really worried about it. I don't wanna get my hopes all up and then have it turn out that it doesn't happen. But if it turns out that this meeting is for all the new trainers that means that I could be transferred cuz elder Wylie is also invited to the meeting. So I guess we'll find out in a few weeks whats going on.
There are a couple of things that I could use. One is another tie rack. I have a whole bunch of ties that can't fit on the ones I have now cuz there is no room. And some Gold Bond powder. that stuff comes in handy sometimes. Other then that I'm pretty good. Hope you guys are doing well. I miss you!
Love Elder Butler

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