Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hey mom I don't have a lot of time left. less the 15 min so ill try to get in as much as I can.

So this week was pretty good. We have a few new investigators but yet again no one came to church. We have like 7 people were working with but they are all super flaky. Ka* is supposed to be baptized on Saturday. She has an interview with president tomorrow. Hopefully that will go well. She wasn't at church either. Her boss wont let her get off work to come to church or anything. Its really frustrating and we don't know what to do. Jo* is from Lebanon and he has a kind of accent like from the terminal. Its pretty funny but hard to understand him and talk to him. he doesn't understand a lot and he believes that every church has authority so he doesn't want to be baptized. he prolly wont cuz he will not progressing. But that's really pretty much it for investigators. Transfers are right after general conference so like on the 5th or 6th. Last I heard from Spencer he is just waiting for his bishop to get back in town and he'll start his papers. He wants to be out by July.

We get fed every night so I'm eating just fine. for lunch i usually have leftovers, a pizza, mac and cheese, or a ham sandwich. The apartment is fine but threes a lot of crazy people and sound goes right through the windows. But other then that its pretty good. The ward said they found us a new home to live in and that we'd prolly move in at the beginning of April. I sent the memory card home so you should have gotten it by now. Anyways, my companion thinks that I'm going to be transferred this next transfer. He thinks that this is to be his last area and that I'm gunna be a senior companion. We'll see about that. But anyways time is running short so I gotta go. Love and miss you all!

Elder Steve Butler

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