Monday, March 7, 2011


Why, hello everyone

This week has been crazy like normal. But not a good crazy kinda. This week has been really tough. We've had an abnormal amount of people yelling at us and trying to bash with us. On Saturday we went to Burger King to eat and when we came out my bike lock wouldn't open. So we had to call a member to come and cut the lock cuz we were quite aways from where we wanted to go and our apartment. My companion also got a flat tire on his bike early Sunday morning. We havent been able to teach very many lessons this week. we've done a lot of tracting and trying to see less actives. Unfortunately we havent seen very much success from that though. We did have a cool miracle yesterday.

So we have church at 1.30 which means that we can still have our studies in the morning. As we were having our study we get this random phone call. i look at the phone and its no one that we know. I answered the call and it was someone named Joe. The first thing he asked was "what time does your service start?" It was crazy and out of the blue. We went with our ward mission leader (who is a big time fisherman-dad) and picked him up and he came to church with us. Later that night we went and taught him and gave him a baptismal date for the 20th. it was an awesome miracle that mostly made up for the crappy week we had. Hopefully things will pick up this week and we will see a little bit more success.

So when my companion and I were waiting for members to come with the bolt cutters to free our bikes from the burger king light pole, we walked to a Kohl's that's nearby in our area. There were these really nice pair of brown slacks that would go really good with a few brown ties I have. there was also this beautiful red paisley tie there too. You know if you have time maybe you could put in a little money in my bank so i could get them?? but the only good thing about going to burger king was that as soon as we walked in the next people behind us were members so they bought us our lunch. That was pretty awesome.

Anyways I hope everything with everyone is going well. I'm prolly gunna have to go to walmart today and get a new bike lock since mine was retarded and wouldn't unlock. it was weird cuz when we got out of burger king it wouldn't turn at all. then when we came back from Kohl's it turned halfway. but then my companion broke the key off inside the lock so there was no hope. I miss everyone and hope that everything is going well!

Love, Elder Steve Butler

P.S. I guess i should start adding Steve on there since Neal is going to be a missionary in about a week

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