Monday, March 14, 2011


Note- my email must be having some problems. Steve said that he didn't get a letter but I know that I sent one. I'll have to find out what the story is.... :(

Hey so I haven't gotten a letter yet so I guess Ill have to wait till next week to get one. This past week was really good, then really crappy again. So Tuesday was actually a really good day. We had this specialized training. It was like a mini zone conference. We watched a bunch of videos from the district 1. We talked a lot about going back to the basics. So Tuesday was a pretty good day. Wednesday we had weekly planning and then had a lesson fall through in the afternoon and that was pretty much it. Oh and my front tire on my bike went flat. Luckily it was just as we were leaving the apartment. We went back it and took off the wheel and the tire. We found where the leak was and it was the tiniest hole. So i got some super glue and glued over the hole, put it all back together and it was good to go. Thursday was a pretty awesome day. We got a referral from our bishop and went to teach them and committed them for baptism on the 27th. So that was pretty cool. Not much else happened that day. Friday was district meeting. We taught the referral from bishop again (Mike and Amberlee). They grew up in Utah and have lived here in the springs for a few months. Mike is Amberlee's half brother. they live together with Amberlee's daughter. We also taught Karla again and now we have taught her all the lessons. Also on Friday we tracted this one street and got like 6 potentials off it. It was super awesome. Best street ever. Saturday we were loaded up with lessons. Unfortunately they pretty much all fell through. So Saturday turned out to be a super bummer. Then Sunday came. We were expecting to have 5 people at church. And guess how many we had!?! 1. And that person left halfway through sacrament meeting. And Sunday evening my back tire went flat. So the week ended out pretty much as crappy as possible but hopefully this week will be better. I have to go now so I'll talk to you all later.

Elder Butler

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