Monday, November 8, 2010

November 1, 2010

Unfortunately we didn't get much work done this week. we dont really have any investigators to teach so we have been tracking most of the time. We did find one new investigator named Joseph Sisneros. His wife passed away recently (i don't know how recent it was) but we taught him the restoration and he accepted baptism. Hes been really busy though working on his trailer. So we helped him Saturday put some insulation underneath it and start putting the skirt on it. But we had another service thing to do so we had to leave. We then went to go finish putting tin on the recent converts roof. We almost finished it we just have the tiniest bit left to do which were gunna do tomorrow i believe. But yeah that's pretty much it for the missionary work this week. We've been really busy and trying to find which is hard. It was really cold for a while and you could see all the mountains topped with snow. But lately its been really warm and the mountain snow is almost all gone. Its been like in the upper 60's almost lately. The weather here in the valley is outta control. But today I'm getting the Hep A shot and Polly the flu shot too. So i really hope you guys put enough money in my account. Anyways, my finger is doing just fine and Ive been staying warm. I bought a light zipper hoodie to wear for service and P-days and stuff just so i don't have to wear that monster trench coat thing haha.

Halloween sounded like a blast. We had to come in at 6 last night and we only had like 7 trick or treaters. It was not that exciting. But i did get to go to a convert baptism yesterday. The other elders from our district, Manasseh (birthplace of Jack Dempsey), baptized two people and one of the guys that they baptized asked me and Elder Guymon to be witnesses. So we had the privilege to do that. It was really awesome. I don't think I've ever been to a convert baptism before. It was much different then any baptism I've ever been to. You could feel the spirit so so strong. Then after the ordinance while they were changing i gave the missionary moment which is basically where you talk about the restoration (aka the first lesson) it was really cool. I always love giving the first vision. It has such power to it. I always feel the presence of the Holy Ghost when anyone says it.

As for the Christmas thing, i haven't even thought about presents or anything. Your gunna have to give me some time to think about that. Have you told everyone to send everything to the mission office?? because i still get things directly to Antonito. You need to tell everyone to send things to the mission office because i don't want anything to get lost and have to give out all kinds of addresses to different people all the time. If it goes to the mission office it will get to me. If you send it to my address it might not, due to transfers or a emergency transfer. You never know what could happen. So just to be safe have everything sent to the mission office.

But anyways that's all I can think of for now. I miss everyone and love letters and packages (even though my companion doesn't like me getting them). I cant wait to hear from you next time.

Elder Steven Butler

P.S. the primary program for our branch was this past Sunday and it was full of comedy as usual. One especially funny part was when this little girl had just finished her little line she had she was stepping off the booster step at the pulpit and she totally biffed it and everyone in the congregation gasped. Me and my companion were trying so hard not to laugh.

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