Monday, November 15, 2010


Dear The Family and such,

So this week has kinda been crazy. I can never remember if i have said stuff already but oh well you get to hear it again. So Monday i got my shots, Hep A in one arm and Flu in the other. One of them hurt but i don't know which one cuz i don't know which arm they put each shot. So on Tuesday we went and finally finished tinning that roof. On the way there we got stuck behind this heard of cows going down the road. It was so gross cuz they kept pooping right in front of our car. it was nasty. later that day we went by to try to catch an investigator and the weirdest thing happened. so I'm knocking on the door and my companion is behind me listening to this lady talk to someone else at another door. So we knock like three times and no answer. We turn to leave and that same lasy from the other door says to us "if they don't answer the door they re not home" Then we told her we were missionaries and we were seeing if our friend was home. Then she was trying to convince me that i was somebody named Duran. I was like I'm Elder Butler. She didn't believe me and asked what my mom's name was. So i told her and said that I'm from Chicago. then she said "maybe you are maybe you aren't" Then i got really confused and as she walked away she said that I must have a twin. Most bizarre moment of my life.

On Wednesday my companion had to give a baptismal interview so we went to this house and they had pizza for dinner and told us to eat with them. so we had a few pieces and then we went to our real dinner appointment. Having two dinners is not fun. I swear i was gunna throw up. The rest of the week was pretty normal. A lot of tracting and stuff like that. The best part of the whole week and the best part of maybe my whole mission so far was on Sunday we drove up to Colorado Springs and Elder Russell M Nelson and Elder Jay E Jensen (presidency of the 70) gave a little fireside thing to the whole mission. I got to sit way up in the front row. It was way awesome to be in the same room as him and to shake his hand and to hear him speak to us. It was amazing. I don't really have much time to write what he talked about and stuff but maybe on Monday. But that was this past week. I'll save the past two days from the next letter cuz theres a good story to go with it. I love you all and can't wait to hear from everyone.

Elder Butler

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