Monday, November 15, 2010


Alrighty then so this week was kinda really slow. I spent Monday and Tuesday in the Manassa area because my companion and one of the missionaries from Manassa were at a training thing in Pueblo. So I was with Elder Schumacher for two days. Here's a funny story about something that happened while i was there.

So we had to ride bikes from the town of Manassa to Romeo which is about three miles. It was super cold and really windy that day so I had my big coat and gloves on. We were riding in the wind on a dirt road and we go past this house and this dog comes running out chasing after me on my bike. On the way back we were going past that same house again and Elder Schumacher was riding in front of me when the dog came running out again. But this time the dog went for him. Because he was in front of me the only way for the dog to get to him was by cutting me off. The dog runs directly in front of me. I pull on my back break. My back wheel locks up and my bike slides out from underneath me as the front tire hits the dog. I fall off the bike and skid across the dirt road and basically tackle the dog. The dog runs away and i stand up. the whole right side of my body is covered with dust. We finally get back to the apartment and i check myself for injuries and my white shirt is torn with some blood stains on it. My knee and ankle were also a little scraped up. But now i have to go to the doctor today by mission rules because now if you fall off you bike at all you need to be seen by a doctor.

So that was the funny story of the week. Wednesday we had P-day. Thursday we did some service by cutting some logs for firewood. Friday i was on exchanges with a zone leader. Saturday we tried to see people but no one was home or they were "busy". So apparently, i learned this a while ago, conejos county is one of the poorest counties in the US. Most of the people in Antonito are on welfare and everyone is pretty lazy and/or drinks.

But yeah were really struggling to find people to teach and teaching those that we consider investigators. We spend most of our time tracting, street contacting, or trying to meet with potentials. But everyone has their agency just as long as we do our best to share the gospel. Elder Nelson is so smart. He was busting out all this Greek and Hebrew translations and stuff. He read this story about a guy who went to his neighbor to ask for a book to read and they gave him a book of Mormon. The guy started to read it but didn't get anything and went back to return it and the neighbor asked if he had prayed about it. The guy said that he just wanted something to read casually but the neighbor insisted that he need to pray about it while he read. So the man did it and read the whole book of Mormon and then was baptized. Jay E Jensen talked about hymns and about ways to study. Its was really cool. Elder Nelson also let people ask questions and stuff. I wish it could have been longer but its OK.

Anyways that's about it for me. I'm still thinking of what i want you guys to send me for Christmas. Chicago sports gear is always welcome and maybe so sweaters and ties. Ill prolly send some pictures soon. I cant wait to hear from everyone!

Love Elder Steve Butler

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