Monday, November 22, 2010


Well I haven't got an email from mom yet so I guess this will be the email for the week. Today isn't our P-day but we still email cuz thanksgiving is an all day p-day and libraries (where most missionaries email) aren't open that day.

So this week was pretty crazy. I spent maybe a total of 2 working days in my area. Monday was pday and we went to manassa to play some basketball. And at the end of pday i stayed in manassa and was on exchanges for Tuesday. On Wednesday i was back in antonito but we spent the first half of the day cutting and splitting wood for service. After that we tried to see a whole bunch of people but no one was really home. Thursday was way awesome. I went back to Manassa again for exchanges and we got to help some members do some branding. Me and the missionary i was with didn't actually do the branding but we were pushing the calves down the shoot and gave some shots to them too. We got covered in cow poop and it stained my pants. Theres some big green spots on them now. Ill send pictures after i get them printed out for myself. Then on Friday we had district meeting and then me and elder Guymon got to do some work finally in our area. But it wasn't very accountable because we weren't able to see anyone cuz nobody was home again. Saturday we did some weekly planning and tried to see people again and did a little bit of tracking. It really stinks that it starts getting dark at like 430 because if we don't have a set appointment we can be out after dark. But there is this one less active guy that we go over at like 6 or 7 and read the book of Mormon with him and explain it to him cuz he's a little slow. Everyone here kinda is. Yesterday was jam packed though.
We had church like normal and then since Elder Guymon is district leader he meets with the stake president every Sunday and this week it was after church. So we had that meeting and then went took the Sanford elders home and had lunch there for a little. then we had a baptism to go to in Manassa. They baptized this girl named Jordan who i actually taught half of the lessons to because they taught here when i was on exchanges there. After the baptism there was a recent convert fireside at that building. It was pretty neat. A few recent converts were asked to speak about their conversion and bear their testimony and stuff. It was really neat. then after the fireside we had a dinner and went home. This morning we woke up and there was about a half an inch or so of snow on the ground. Almost enough to cover all the grass. But yeah that was this week. Transfers are next week so we'll see what happens.

I thought of things i would like for Christmas

-new jeans
-long sleeved dress shirts
-Chicago stuff (sports)

that's all i can think of right now.

Well it sounds like the bears are doing really good. and the same for the rest of Chicago. What kinda stuff do you guys want for Christmas that i could get you? Being in Utah sounded like a lot of fun. I miss you guys and I love you

Elder Steve Butler

Oh and by the way, go to and order a copy of the doctrine and covenants visual resource DVDs. It has the movie Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration on it. And get me a copy too. Its only like $4.50

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