Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

Cano's Castle

Elder Guymon

Steve's Missionary Tag

Hey the Fam!

Everything is doing pretty well here at 7000+ feet elevation. Its getting colder and colder everyday but thanks to you guys I'm all set with coat and gloves and ear muffs. Thanks for the package. the sweater is sweet. I Cant wait to wear it. Guess who else i got packages from? Rachel Gibson's family and Mark and Margo. I totally wasn't expecting either of them. It was way awesome.

So this past week a lot and not a lot has happened. On Tuesday we got dropped by Judy which really really really sucked (sorry mom). We did like two days of full service and then tracted a lot. We found a few potential investigators and one new investigator that's gunna miss his date because he'll be out of town till Sunday. Yesterday we had zone conference and it was way good. We talked about how everything we teach should relate back to baptism so that when we invite them to be baptized they wont be surprised. They also talked about personal conversion and follow up lessons and just things that we need to work on so that we can be better teachers, missionaries, and representatives of Christ. But besides that not much else happened. In Antonito dogs just roam around. The whole town is their backyard. Theres this one dog, moon, that will just follow us everywhere. When we tract it comes and sit in front of the door and stuff. its just super annoying. We have tried so many times to lose it or run away but it always seems so catch back up to us and find us. We have even tried going to visit members and then leave out the back door but she still finds us. But yeah that's it for me this past week. During zone conference it snowed but by the time it was over and we went outside it was all melted.

Its really good to hear about everybody and to know that they re all doing well. As for Andrea, that guys name is Alan Snow and I know of him. he's not a trouble maker or anything. he was always pretty quiet when I saw him but yeah he's in orchestra.

Its good to hear that Max is doing good. How is he adjusting? I haven't heard from Sean yet and i got one or two letters from Josh. I'll prolly write a bunch of letter today. And that memory card i sent home, leave the pictures on there and send it back. I do have another one till you send the one you have to me. Funny story. OK so our microwave has been broken, where the plate doesn't spin but it still cooks, since elder guymon has been here, so for at least 6 months. The other day he wanted to pop some popcorn but couldn't cuz it doesn't spin. So we took a look at it and figured out that the motor worked fine but the plastic that made the plate spin was broken. So i was like, That will be easy to fix, we just have to melt it back together. So we heated up some butter knives on our electric stove and i melted the plastic back together and... Now it works!! i fixed the microwave. We took picture and stuff of it so ill send those soon prolly.

As for they guys in the ward, someone needs to crack down on them. Tell Neal to get his butt in gear and finish his dang papers already. I'm pretty sure Steve will cut his hair and go on a mission. In our branch and most of the other wards around we teach a Preach My Gospel Classes once a week. Its really awesome. You guys should start something like that and get those guys to go. The Elders or whoever should teach it. Really its a class for anyone. I think it would be really good.

Anyways I'm out of time. I Love you all. Send me letters!!! (to the mission office)

Elder Steven Butler

P.S. on the 7th Elder Russel M Nelson is speaking to our mission in the Springs

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