Monday, October 4, 2010


Hey Fam,

This week was pretty good. most of our appointments fell through so we really didn't get much done this week. We did a lot of service though so that's good. Conference was way awesome. my favorite were both morning sessions and priesthood. Funny story. Our branch is way unaccountable. We assumed that conference would all be set up this weekend and we could go over and just watch it cuz we had invited some investigators to come (which none did). So we get over there and there are no cars in the parking lot. The doors are all locked. So we go unlock the doors get in and nothing is set up. So we go across the road to a member who has all the keys to the church. and we ask him what we have to do to get it ready cuz it was like already started. So he tells us what to do so we go over to the building and get the tv out, hook it up in the chapel, and turn it on and it was there thankfully. We watched all the sessions at our building by ourselves. like 2 other people came for priesthood and a few from out of town came for Sunday morning. It was pathetic.

Other then that we taught Judy and Toby again and i don't remember if i told you this but they almost dropped us. So we went back the other day and talked about temple work, mostly baptism for the dead. just explaining to her that like she can do that work for her dad and that everyone needs that proper baptism. We committed her to make a priority to read and pray about the book of Mormon. We have a very large print one for her cuz she has medical problems and has trouble reading. Between sessions on Saturday we went tracting for a little bit and met this kid named Dane. he told us to come back so we went back over between sessions yesterday and taught a 1st. He accepted baptism for the 23rd. He has long black hair, a lip piercing, and like those creepy metal bands. So we'll see how it goes. We had an investigator drop us. We went over to teach him the stop smoking program and he didn't like anything we were saying and was disagreeing with us and then was like im not interested in learning about the Mormon church anymore. It really sucked (sorry mom). But yeah that was this week.

That"s such great new from Kristin and Dan! Tell them both congrats from me. Thais just weird with the web-cam thing. Was sterling not there? That's really strange but then again it is our family. Ok so the memory card you sent me was 2GB. I thought the one we bought was 8. maybe that's just me. it doesn't really matter but whatever. I don't take that many pictures anyways. Its starting to get colder. The trees are starting to turn and it dropped from the 80's to the 70's. So winter is on its way. I haven't gotten the coat as of today but it should be here soon. I don't really need a scarf but defiantly the ear cuffs and gloves.

Since this is my first transfer and I'm being trained we have a guide kinda of the things that we do during study time. Right now I'm reading a little in the book of Mormon but mostly just going through the lessons in preach my gospel and learning them and finding scripture to help teach with. Transfers are in two weeks? its the 19th so the week before that send stuff to the mission office just in case. and let everyone else know that too. i don't want anything getting lost. But yeah me and Elder Guymon (my companion) are doing pretty well. We have mostly the same interests so its really easy. Hes been out for a little over a year. and hes been in this area for 6 months at the end of this transfer. We had interviews yesterday and that went well. I got the name of the doctor that sister Pfile said to go to for the shot. Its Doctor Sowards in Alamosa. So I'm gunna get the number for him from the zone leaders and set up an appointment sometime. Sister Pfile said the shot is gunna be like a hundred and something I'm not really sure. But yeah that's pretty much it. I love you all and I'd like to hear from everyone.

Love, Elder Butler

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