Monday, October 18, 2010

October 12, 2010

Hello everybody!

Im doing just great. Everything is going pretty good out here. Transfers are a week from today so please tell everyone to send to the mission office. Are you sure it was uncle Dave? and not uncle mark? cuz i wrote mark and margo but not dave and karrie yet. But i definatly want mail.

Thats way awesome that the roof got done and stuff and that everyone came and helped out. Its starting to get way cold everyday here. I got my coat so thank you so much for that. I think the weather was waiting for me to get it before it started getting really cold. If you want to creep me more fully our appartment complex place is on state street across from this place called Cono's Castle. Its this guys house that he build out of recycled metal and it has these two tall towers that he says is where christ is gunna come.

I forgot about the reading the book of mormon in a month thing. I wish i had more time so i could start that and catch up. maybe ill do it another month. Oh and by the way we have Pday today because yesterday was columbus day. Did you guys do anything fun for it? Did andrea have a good time at homecomming?

So since last time i wrote we have a new investigator. We were driving by a less active/recent convert's apartment and saw that she wasnt there so we decided to go see another less active that lives in the same complex. So we go in and he had his friend who is the landlord of the apartments over. So we ended up teaching her a first lesson and she accpeted baptism on the 24. She didnt go to church this week but if she shows up the next two she can still hit her date. She was really solid. She asked all the perfect questions and everyting. She is really busy though cuz she manages the apartments and she is going to school but tomorrow is the last day of one of her classes so we are gunna meet with her again on thursday and hopefully pretty often after that.

besides that the week was pretty slow. I went on exchanges with a bunch of different missionaries cuz my companion hit his year mark like a few weeks ago so he went up to the denver temple with all the missionaries that came out with him. So yep that was interesting.

I cant wait to hear back from you all. I love all you guys.

Elder Butler

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