Monday, March 28, 2011

NOTE The blog is having some issues. I am having a hard time posting blogs that are formatted. Sorry. I'll find out why I am having issues. DD


Well... I guess I'll start with the bad news from the week. So Ka* was supposed to get interviewed on Tuesday. We called her and left a message to make sure that she was still good for it. she called us back later that day and said that she didn't want to be baptized anymore because we almost cost her her job on Sunday at Red Lobster. She said not to come back and not to call her anymore. So no, there wasn't a baptism on Saturday. Wednesday we spent most of the day planning and doing service. Wednesday night my throat started to feel a little bit scratchy. I woke up Thursday morning and I flet like crap. I was all congested and had a cough and my throat was real sore. so we stayed in that day and I rested and took some drugs to get me feeling better. Friday we had District Meeting and we took it a little slow but I still wasn't feeling the best. Saturday i did a little bit better and Sunday about the same. Now I feel fine. I'm at about 98%. Transfers are next week. Elder McGrath has been out for 17 months and he thinks that he is staying here. He thinks that this is gunna be his last area. Honestly i don'tknow what is gunna happen with me. I think I might leave though. I have no clue where I would go. It could really be anywhere. I can't tell you who everyone is in the pictures, because I don't know which ones you're talking about. Sorry. But the snaps were a prank that we did on the Manassa elders when I was in Antonito. We put the snaps on tape and taped them to all the doors, cabinets and drawers (and the toilet seat) so that whenever they would close something it would go off. Then Elder guymon poured a bunch of Kool-aid in their toilet tank. The reason why the letters have been so short is that I've been waiting for your email to come but then I run out of time waiting and I have to whip something up. So this email that I'm replying to is the newest one I have gotten. Fore some reason your emails haven't been getting to me. I don't get them till the next week. My email time is at 10 mountain time and I only have and hour. So usually if I don't get an email from you I'll write a few notes to other people and write my letter to President. I haven't gotten any word from anyone in quite a while. That may be because transfers are coming up and they hold the mail so it doesn't get lost. Neal should be going into the field next week. And Spencer should be finishing up school pretty soon. Something that I've always wanted was a Chia Pet. Ha ha but that woudl be really hard to carry around the mission. I have gotten a hold of a lava lamp that I'll prolly send home so I don't have to lug it around. the only thing I'm worried about taht is that I don't want anyone using it and breaking it and I might send some clothes home like Tshirts and stuff cuz I really don't need as many as I have. But the problem is that stuff will prolly cost a lot and I don't really have a good way to get down to teh post office. So for the next package the only thing I can think of that I would want is some moccasins. Dont send any like hygine stuff cuz I already have way too much of that. Talks and stuff are always good. Ummmm I don't know I can't really think of much. What ever you send will be awesome! But that is all for now.I love and miss you all. Elder Butler


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hey mom I don't have a lot of time left. less the 15 min so ill try to get in as much as I can.

So this week was pretty good. We have a few new investigators but yet again no one came to church. We have like 7 people were working with but they are all super flaky. Ka* is supposed to be baptized on Saturday. She has an interview with president tomorrow. Hopefully that will go well. She wasn't at church either. Her boss wont let her get off work to come to church or anything. Its really frustrating and we don't know what to do. Jo* is from Lebanon and he has a kind of accent like from the terminal. Its pretty funny but hard to understand him and talk to him. he doesn't understand a lot and he believes that every church has authority so he doesn't want to be baptized. he prolly wont cuz he will not progressing. But that's really pretty much it for investigators. Transfers are right after general conference so like on the 5th or 6th. Last I heard from Spencer he is just waiting for his bishop to get back in town and he'll start his papers. He wants to be out by July.

We get fed every night so I'm eating just fine. for lunch i usually have leftovers, a pizza, mac and cheese, or a ham sandwich. The apartment is fine but threes a lot of crazy people and sound goes right through the windows. But other then that its pretty good. The ward said they found us a new home to live in and that we'd prolly move in at the beginning of April. I sent the memory card home so you should have gotten it by now. Anyways, my companion thinks that I'm going to be transferred this next transfer. He thinks that this is to be his last area and that I'm gunna be a senior companion. We'll see about that. But anyways time is running short so I gotta go. Love and miss you all!

Elder Steve Butler

Monday, March 14, 2011


Note- my email must be having some problems. Steve said that he didn't get a letter but I know that I sent one. I'll have to find out what the story is.... :(

Hey so I haven't gotten a letter yet so I guess Ill have to wait till next week to get one. This past week was really good, then really crappy again. So Tuesday was actually a really good day. We had this specialized training. It was like a mini zone conference. We watched a bunch of videos from the district 1. We talked a lot about going back to the basics. So Tuesday was a pretty good day. Wednesday we had weekly planning and then had a lesson fall through in the afternoon and that was pretty much it. Oh and my front tire on my bike went flat. Luckily it was just as we were leaving the apartment. We went back it and took off the wheel and the tire. We found where the leak was and it was the tiniest hole. So i got some super glue and glued over the hole, put it all back together and it was good to go. Thursday was a pretty awesome day. We got a referral from our bishop and went to teach them and committed them for baptism on the 27th. So that was pretty cool. Not much else happened that day. Friday was district meeting. We taught the referral from bishop again (Mike and Amberlee). They grew up in Utah and have lived here in the springs for a few months. Mike is Amberlee's half brother. they live together with Amberlee's daughter. We also taught Karla again and now we have taught her all the lessons. Also on Friday we tracted this one street and got like 6 potentials off it. It was super awesome. Best street ever. Saturday we were loaded up with lessons. Unfortunately they pretty much all fell through. So Saturday turned out to be a super bummer. Then Sunday came. We were expecting to have 5 people at church. And guess how many we had!?! 1. And that person left halfway through sacrament meeting. And Sunday evening my back tire went flat. So the week ended out pretty much as crappy as possible but hopefully this week will be better. I have to go now so I'll talk to you all later.

Elder Butler

Monday, March 7, 2011


Why, hello everyone

This week has been crazy like normal. But not a good crazy kinda. This week has been really tough. We've had an abnormal amount of people yelling at us and trying to bash with us. On Saturday we went to Burger King to eat and when we came out my bike lock wouldn't open. So we had to call a member to come and cut the lock cuz we were quite aways from where we wanted to go and our apartment. My companion also got a flat tire on his bike early Sunday morning. We havent been able to teach very many lessons this week. we've done a lot of tracting and trying to see less actives. Unfortunately we havent seen very much success from that though. We did have a cool miracle yesterday.

So we have church at 1.30 which means that we can still have our studies in the morning. As we were having our study we get this random phone call. i look at the phone and its no one that we know. I answered the call and it was someone named Joe. The first thing he asked was "what time does your service start?" It was crazy and out of the blue. We went with our ward mission leader (who is a big time fisherman-dad) and picked him up and he came to church with us. Later that night we went and taught him and gave him a baptismal date for the 20th. it was an awesome miracle that mostly made up for the crappy week we had. Hopefully things will pick up this week and we will see a little bit more success.

So when my companion and I were waiting for members to come with the bolt cutters to free our bikes from the burger king light pole, we walked to a Kohl's that's nearby in our area. There were these really nice pair of brown slacks that would go really good with a few brown ties I have. there was also this beautiful red paisley tie there too. You know if you have time maybe you could put in a little money in my bank so i could get them?? but the only good thing about going to burger king was that as soon as we walked in the next people behind us were members so they bought us our lunch. That was pretty awesome.

Anyways I hope everything with everyone is going well. I'm prolly gunna have to go to walmart today and get a new bike lock since mine was retarded and wouldn't unlock. it was weird cuz when we got out of burger king it wouldn't turn at all. then when we came back from Kohl's it turned halfway. but then my companion broke the key off inside the lock so there was no hope. I miss everyone and hope that everything is going well!

Love, Elder Steve Butler

P.S. I guess i should start adding Steve on there since Neal is going to be a missionary in about a week