Monday, August 30, 2010


Hey Fam!
I totally forgot my journal and letters so sorry if i dont include everything. Im Still pretty busy. Were starting to learn the second lession (plan of salvation). Me and my companion have the first one down pretty good. They have teaching appointments here where a member will come to the MTC and pretend to be an investigator and then you get to teach them. Its really cool and it helps so much. I got to go to the temple again today. it was awesome as always. On tuesday Elder Jeffery R Holland came and spoke at the devotional. It was so awesome. Weve watched a couple of his talks here and the one he gave was really good. Every sunday we get to watch a church film. Last week it was mountain of the lord and this week we watched the joseph smith movie they play at the visitors centers. I got my travel plans and i leaveon Monday the 6th. were flying frontier to denver then frontier again to the springs. I dont know anything about bag charges but if there are any i have money for it. I met this missionary named Elder Herrera. Hes said that he met rachel a few weeks before coming to the MTC. Hes going to colorado springs spanish. I wanna know how everything is going. Andrea how has the first week of school been? have you started seminary yet? And for jeff i got your dear elder and i believe it said something about cookies? i never got them. but i did get the ones dad sent. Thanks! and i got the dear elder from mom and family last week too. I got a note saying that they recieved the shot record and everything so that should be all good. Theres this one missionary that is from canada in my district that is going to the springs too. We tease him about his accent but hes cool with it. Hes really funny. im excited to get out in the field and start teaching real people. I cant wait to hear from you all!
Love, Elder Butler

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